"administration" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich
- So the Administration has devised an early plan of its own.
- The official, Robert Lamb, the assistant secretary for administration and security, told a House subcommittee that the Administration was devising ways to foil the listening devices believed to be spread throughout the building under construction.
- For both of those forest zones, the Administration has already devised new plans that it said contained carefully designed environmental protections.
- That leaves the Administration the option of a sustained air campaign, devised to reduce but not necessarily eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, the officials said.
- Like health-care reform's individual mandate, cap-and-trade legislation is a Republican invention: the Administration of the first President Bush devised it more than twenty years ago to reduce the pollutants that caused acid rain.
- Preoccupied with the costs of maintaining troops around the world, President Eisenhower and his Administration devised the doctrine of "massive retaliation" - which concentrated on nuclear weapons as the primary deterrent to the Soviet Union.
- To court workers who would be affected, the Administration is also devising a way for them to remain in their jobs as employees and shareholders of companies set up to perform the work.
- But if recent history is any guide, Congress and the Administration will devise new tricks to beat the system.
- One Senator, Phil Gramm, Republican of Texas, leads a group of legislators that has tried to force Congress and the Administration to devise a new version of the law to balance the budget by 1991.
- Accordingly, the Administration has devised a proposal to help pay health insurance premiums for up to six months for workers who are between jobs.
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