"advocate" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich
- Tenants' advocates adamantly opposed the changes in the revision, and accused the state of pushing the changes through without sufficient public review.
- But advocates of weapons control have opposed changes in limits, arguing that advanced computing technology can speed the development of weaponry.
- The leading advocates of the treaty, including Mr. Proxmire, oppose capital punishment.
- Those advocates had opposed the original law on the ground that it would privatize Medicare.
- Some advocates for investors, though, oppose the fee increases.
- The cells can only be harvested by destroying a fetus a few days after fertilization, however, which has made many anti-abortion advocates oppose the practice.
- Some advocates for AIDS patients not all, oppose his appointment.
- Labor unions and immigrant advocates have long opposed temporary visa programs as creating a class of low-paid workers vulnerable to abuse.
- Pro-life advocates opposed the nomination and pro-life members in the Senate were most likely to be her main opposition.
- Ms. Landrieu supports some measures that advocates of gun control strongly oppose.
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