"approach" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich
- The announcement came after the country's stock market recorded its biggest single-day fall amid concerns over the new government's approach to economic reforms.
- Last night a storm of protest was growing over the Government's 'do nothing' approach.
- She was concerned over lagging season ticket sales, as well as his approach to recruiting.
- Dresden argues with Michael over his approach to the Denarians.
- I mull over my approach and opt for the most direct:
- Debate over the Justice Department's approach was peppered throughout the case.
- The Memorial Bridge was closed since the end of June, due to water over its western approach.
- The new Administration has been buffeted with criticism over its approach to the savings and loan crisis.
- Amazon promises a number of improvements over Ebay's approach.
- The disagreement over Mr. Bush's approach to family planning services in developing countries dates back to one of his first acts as president.
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