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"authority" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

authority rzeczownik

rzeczownik + authority
Kolokacji: 189
Port Authority • Transit Authority • Housing Authority • immigration authority • occupation authority • Exposition Authority • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 51
2. Transit Authority = przedsiębiorstwo komunikacji Transit Authority
4. Housing Authority = ministerstwo ds. mieszkaniowych Housing Authority
7. Exposition Authority = Przedstawienie Władza Exposition Authority
15. tax authority = organ podatkowy tax authority
16. power authority = władza elektryczna power authority
18. education authority = kuratorium oświatowe na szczeblu regionu education authority
28. Coalition Provisional Authority = Członek radykalnego skrzydła IRA koalicyjny Władza Coalition Provisional Authority
29. Port Authority of New York = Kapitanat portu Nowego Jorku Port Authority of New York
31. planning authority = władztwo planistyczne, samodzielność planistyczna planning authority
32. water authority = przedsiębiorstwo wodociągowe water authority
34. county authority = władza hrabstwa county authority
  • But the tone of command authority was still the same, and would pass for now.
  • So since this is a patient and we're on my turf, I have command authority, not you.
  • Pulaski said, making her voice take on the command authority she'd learned over the years.
  • It would have been the central command authority for all air, land, and sea forces in a combat theater.
  • But whatever was going on, he refused to concede his command authority without good reason.
  • She needed to be able to hold command authority over him to keep him in line.
  • We needed a command authority, even a semicompetent one, to hold onto.
  • It was by this that the emperor held command authority over most of the Roman army.
  • He was known for seldom complaining if his complaint would go against command authority.
  • Gordon Brown is struggling to lay claim to national political leadership, let alone command authority on the world stage.
37. Advertising Standards Authority = niezależna organizacja nadzorująca branżę reklamową w Wielkiej Brytanii Advertising Standards Authority
40. state local authority = władze lokalne państwowe state local authority
41. Tunnel Authority = Tunel Władza Tunnel Authority
44. Broadcasting Authority = Władza do spraw radia i telewizji Broadcasting Authority
49. highway authority = władza drogi publicznej highway authority
50. budget authority = władza budżetowa budget authority
authority + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 17
authority figure • authority official • Port Authority Bus Terminal • authority area • Port Authority official • ...
authority + czasownik
Kolokacji: 342
authority arrests • authority investigates • authority issues • authority refuses • authority announces • authority seeks • authority says • ...
czasownik + authority
Kolokacji: 158
grant authority • give authority • hold authority • challenge one's authority • use one's authority • undermine one's authority • ...
przymiotnik + authority
Kolokacji: 361
local authority • Palestinian Authority • British authority • federal authority • legal authority • Soviet authority • military authority • ...
przyimek + authority
Kolokacji: 24
with authority • of authority • against authority • without authority • between authorities • ...

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