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"authority" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

authority rzeczownik

rzeczownik + authority
Kolokacji: 189
Port Authority • Transit Authority • Housing Authority • immigration authority • occupation authority • Exposition Authority • ...
authority + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 17
authority figure • authority official • Port Authority Bus Terminal • authority area • Port Authority official • ...
authority + czasownik
Kolokacji: 342
authority arrests • authority investigates • authority issues • authority refuses • authority announces • authority seeks • authority says • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
10. authority allows = władza pozwala authority allows
19. authority operates = władza obsługuje authority operates
22. authority provides = władza dostarcza authority provides
25. authority uses = władza używa authority uses
26. authority wants = władza chce authority wants
29. authority holds = władza trzyma authority holds
32. authority knows = władza wie authority knows
35. authority comes = władza przychodzi authority comes
36. authority approves = władza zatwierdza authority approves
37. authority closes = władza zamyka authority closes
38. authority calls = władza dzwoni authority calls
41. authority recognizes = władza rozpoznaje authority recognizes
42. authority receives = władza otrzymuje authority receives
43. authority accuses = władza oskarża authority accuses
44. authority asks = władza pyta authority asks
45. authority offers = władza oferuje authority offers
46. authority goes = władza idzie authority goes
49. authority fails = oceny niedostateczne władzy authority fails
50. authority tells = władza mówi authority tells
51. authority imposes = władza narzuca authority imposes
53. authority conducts = zachowania władzy authority conducts
54. authority looks = władza patrzy authority looks
55. authority moves = władza rusza się authority moves
57. authority confiscates = władza konfiskuje authority confiscates
58. authority grants = dotacje władzy authority grants
59. authority puts = władza kładzie authority puts
61. authority pays = władza płaci authority pays
62. owned by the Port Authority = posiadany przez kapitanat portu owned by the Port Authority
63. authority sends = władza wysyła authority sends
65. authority works = władza pracuje authority works
  • Local authorities worked throughout the morning to free trapped people inside the bus and helped save many lives.
  • The authorities worked over it pretty closely, trying to identify me.
  • The police and the authority are working to identify a technical solution to that problem.
  • The town's authorities are working on expanding tourism in the area.
  • "The civilian and military authorities are working together, but it is not so organized."
  • The authority is still working on an elevator from the platform to the street.
  • The authorities worked hard, though, to suppress news of the event.
  • For example, you may want to know more about how the state's independent authorities actually work.
  • The authorities are working on the repatriation of 700 more.
  • But their authority worked through planetary governments and the heads of staff.
66. authority needs = władza musi authority needs
67. authority controls = kontrole władzy authority controls
68. authority keeps = władza trzyma authority keeps
69. authority runs = władza biegnie authority runs
71. authority builds = budowy ciała władzy authority builds
73. authority accepts = władza akceptuje authority accepts
74. authority maintains = władza utrzymuje authority maintains
75. authority places = miejsca władzy authority places
76. authority responds = władza odpowiada authority responds
79. authority extends = władza poszerza authority extends
80. authority gets = władza dostaje authority gets
83. authority sees = władza widzi authority sees
84. authority spends = władza wydaje authority spends
85. authority thinks = władza myśli authority thinks
86. authority starts = władza zaczyna authority starts
87. authority manages = władza zarządza authority manages
88. authority requires = władza wymaga authority requires
89. authority permits = władza pozwala authority permits
91. authority declines = upadki władzy authority declines
92. authority hopes = władza ma nadzieję authority hopes
93. authority warns = władza ostrzega authority warns
94. authority rejects = odrzuty władzy authority rejects
95. authority rests = władza opiera authority rests
96. authority learns = władza uczy się authority learns
97. authority seems = władza wydaje się authority seems
100. authority acknowledges = władza przyznaje się authority acknowledges
czasownik + authority
Kolokacji: 158
grant authority • give authority • hold authority • challenge one's authority • use one's authority • undermine one's authority • ...
przymiotnik + authority
Kolokacji: 361
local authority • Palestinian Authority • British authority • federal authority • legal authority • Soviet authority • military authority • ...
przyimek + authority
Kolokacji: 24
with authority • of authority • against authority • without authority • between authorities • ...

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