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"authority" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

authority rzeczownik

rzeczownik + authority
Kolokacji: 189
Port Authority • Transit Authority • Housing Authority • immigration authority • occupation authority • Exposition Authority • ...
authority + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 17
authority figure • authority official • Port Authority Bus Terminal • authority area • Port Authority official • ...
authority + czasownik
Kolokacji: 342
authority arrests • authority investigates • authority issues • authority refuses • authority announces • authority seeks • authority says • ...
czasownik + authority
Kolokacji: 158
grant authority • give authority • hold authority • challenge one's authority • use one's authority • undermine one's authority • ...
przymiotnik + authority
Kolokacji: 361
local authority • Palestinian Authority • British authority • federal authority • legal authority • Soviet authority • military authority • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
6. Soviet authority = władza sowiecka Soviet authority
8. central authority = władza centralna central authority
9. German authority = Władza niemiecka German authority
11. Chinese authority = Władza chińska Chinese authority
12. French authority = Francuska władza French authority
14. moral authority = moralna władza moral authority
17. Russian authority = Rosyjska władza Russian authority
18. political authority = polityczna władza political authority
19. Israeli authority = Władza Izraela Israeli authority
20. Spanish authority = Władza hiszpańska Spanish authority
22. regional authority = władza regionalna regional authority
23. ultimate authority = najwyższa władza ultimate authority
26. proper authority = dobrze wychowana władza proper authority
27. statutory authority = ustawowa władza statutory authority
29. civilian authority = władza cywila civilian authority
30. broad authority = barczysta władza broad authority
31. Mexican authority = Meksykańska władza Mexican authority
32. Italian authority = Władza włoska Italian authority
33. Iraqi authority = Irakijczyk władza Iraqi authority
37. public authority = władza państwowa public authority
38. final authority = ostatnia władza final authority
39. national authority = władza krajowa national authority
40. full authority = całkowite przyzwolenie full authority
41. American authority = Amerykańska władza American authority
42. great authority = wielka władza great authority
43. royal authority = władza królewska royal authority
44. supreme authority = najwyższy organ supreme authority
45. new authority = nowa władza new authority
47. Japanese authority = Japońska władza Japanese authority
49. relevant authority = właściwy organ relevant authority
50. competent authority = kompetentne władze competent authority
51. sole authority = wyłączna władza sole authority
52. real authority = prawdziwa władza real authority
53. foremost authority = główna władza foremost authority
55. absolute authority = absolutna władza absolute authority
56. Nazi authority = Nazistowska władza Nazi authority
57. Turkish authority = Władza turecka Turkish authority
58. independent authority = niezależna władza independent authority
60. general authority = pełnomocnictwo generalne general authority
61. Egyptian authority = Egipska władza Egyptian authority
63. administrative authority = władza administracyjna, organ administracyjny administrative authority
65. special authority = szczególne pełnomocnictwo special authority
66. imperial authority = władza cesarska, władza mocarstwa imperial authority
67. Polish authority = Polska władza Polish authority
  • Polish authorities took control over whole city on November 11, 1918.
  • The Polish authorities are aware of the activity, but have been unable to stop it.
  • Polish authorities knew well who stood behind these raids, and what was their real purpose.
  • Why has it taken more than 50 years for Polish authorities to begin an investigation into what took place?
  • The work on this film was interrupted by the Polish authorities.
  • The Polish authorities punished him by taking away any rights to write or publish until the late 1950s.
  • This led to a period of imprisonment by the Polish authorities.
  • Before that, the majority of the area was taken over by Polish local authorities.
  • Polish authorities began administering the town on March 6, 1945.
  • No official reaction has yet been released by the Polish authorities.
68. international authority = międzynarodowa władza international authority
69. Iranian authority = Irańska władza Iranian authority
70. Swiss authority = Szwajcarska władza Swiss authority
72. Dutch authority = Władza holenderska Dutch authority
73. secular authority = władza świecka secular authority
74. responsible authority = organ odpowiedzialny responsible authority
75. direct authority = bezpośrednia władza direct authority
76. good authority = dobra władza good authority
77. legitimate authority = prawowita władza legitimate authority
83. Indian authority = Indyjska władza Indian authority
84. monetary authority = bank centralny monetary authority
85. Austrian authority = Władza austriacka Austrian authority
87. only authority = jedyna władza only authority
88. traditional authority = tradycjonalistyczna władza traditional authority
89. Syrian authority = Syryjczyk władza Syrian authority
91. official authority = władza publiczna official authority
92. Greek authority = Władza Grecji Greek authority
94. Norwegian authority = Władza norweska Norwegian authority
95. complete authority = władza w całym tego słowa znaczeniu complete authority
96. Colombian authority = Kolumbijczyk władza Colombian authority
97. temporary authority = tymczasowa władza temporary authority
98. Cuban authority = Kubańska władza Cuban authority
99. parental authority = władza rodzicielska parental authority
100. lawful authority = legalna władza lawful authority
przyimek + authority
Kolokacji: 24
with authority • of authority • against authority • without authority • between authorities • ...

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