"book" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich
- Occasionally we may even write to - or about - the author to say what his books mean to us.
- If a man says that a given book or movie means something to him, the woman should pay close attention.
- The book meant something more than Once upon a time, he didn't doubt that for an instant.
- "The book meant more to them than anything you can imagine."
- Both the book and the movie deal with what it means to be human.
- As he well knew, big books mean long labor.
- "All things considered, what do these books, open on the table, mean to you?"
- He told me her books meant a great deal to him.
- This book, he said, "means more to me than the billions that I have made."
- But the books can mean so much to the children left behind.
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