"boot" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich
- The American's boots had left a distinct impression when the tracks could be found at all.
- His boots left the only prints on the reddish sand.
- When he saw the scarlet footprints her boots had left on the ground, the color seemed to drain from his face.
- The weather had been perfectly fine for some days, and no ordinary boots would have left such a heavy deposit.
- He put his boot under the last body left on the floor and turned it over.
- The boots could not well leave the same imprint as before, because the feet inside them were shorter.
- At each one, his felt boots left a clear track in the snow.
- I looked at the prints his boots had left on the freshly cleaned floor.
- The boots, complete with the wedding silver and the two gold coins, I left under the bed.
- His grabby boots left the floor, and he found himself helpless in the air.
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