"bump" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich
- Sometimes there are ridges in the skin and small bumps that look like a rash or hives.
- My skin broke out in painful pink bumps, and I resolved never again to do anything that man did, ever.
- I'm a pediatrician myself, which means my expertise in bumps on a 77-year-old woman's back is limited.
- Q leaves in search for a phone signal, but bumps into the clown once again.
- In bumps racing, the start is of greater importance.
- It ran away from the ocean in little bumps and curlicues.
- "We don't take payment in bumps and grinds," the woman said.
- Stanley's one of us, Beverly thought, and wondered why that should cause her arms to suddenly break out in bumps.
- Still the huge cloud was easing closer to the cliff, in little bumps and starts.
- Its upper legs and shoulders are covered in wart-like bumps.
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