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"buy" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

buy czasownik

buy + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 545
buy tickets • buy shares • buy stocks • buy land • buy food • buy products • buy bonds • buy goods • buy clothes • buy insurance • ...
czasownik + buy
Kolokacji: 77
begin buying • start buying • consider buying • stop buying • enable to buy • afford to buy • plan to buy • agree to buy • offer to buy • ...
buy + przyimek
Kolokacji: 54
buy back • buy out • buy up • buy off • buy into • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 34
(1) back, out, up, off, into, ...
Kolokacji: 13
1. buy into = nabądź udziały buy into
2. buy back = wykup buy back
3. buy out = wykup udziały buy out
5. buy up = wykupywać, skupować buy up
6. buy for = kupować dla buy for
7. buy at = kupować przy buy at
8. buy by = kupować przez buy by
9. buy off = przekupywać buy off
10. buy before = kup wcześniej buy before
11. buy near = kup blisko buy near
  • That was the kind they bought by the millions near the end of the last century.
  • We bought food at two farms not too near the city.
  • If the market is heading down, you're buying at or near the top.
  • We share our top 10 tips for buying near a good school.
  • After arriving he bought land and a store near the river.
  • And buying one in or near 47th Street, the source for many people around the world, can be daunting, to say the least.
  • He bought this 1860 row house, near the corner of 39th Street, in 1893.
  • So I bought my house near the water," she said with a smile.
  • Together they bought a country estate near Kazan and moved the family there.
  • They bought a brick Tudor-style house for $310,000, near good schools and a 15-minute drive to his office.
12. buy in = zaakceptować, zgodzić się, poprzeć buy in
13. buy through = kup całkowicie buy through
buy + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 67
eventually buy • actually buy • later buy • simply buy • buy directly • ...

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