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"computer" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

computer rzeczownik

rzeczownik + computer
Kolokacji: 78
Apple Computer • home computer • desktop computer • laptop computer • Macintosh computer • mainframe computer • ...
computer + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 366
computer science • computer system • computer program • computer game • computer screen • computer network • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
8. computer industry = przemysł komputerowy, branża komputerowa computer industry
11. computer user = użytkownik komputerowy computer user
13. computer maker = producent komputerowy computer maker
14. computer lab = laboratorium komputerowe, pracownia komputerowa computer lab
15. computer chip = chip komputerowy computer chip
21. computer code = lista rozkazów komputera computer code
24. computer file = plik komputerowy computer file
28. computer expert = specjalista w dziedzinie informatyki computer expert
33. computer skill = umiejętność komputerowa computer skill
34. computer disk = dysk komputerowy computer disk
36. computer consultant = konsultant komputerowy, serwisant komputerowy computer consultant
37. Computer Associate = Współpracownik komputerowy Computer Associate
38. computer printout = wydruk z komputera computer printout
44. computer language = język komputera computer language
46. computer room = pracownia komputerowa computer room
47. computer data = dane komputerowe computer data
48. computer business = biznes komputerowy computer business
  • Within the company's computer business, orders rose 28 percent, to $6.4 billion.
  • "What if I wanted to get into the computer business?"
  • He was the top finance officer for the company's personal computer business in the early 1980's.
  • Over all, the computer business was up 25 percent last year.
  • And there is a very good example of this puzzle to be found in the computer business.
  • The marriage of products is the company's first hope for participating in the personal computer business.
  • The industry leaders have failed to gain support even from others in the personal computer business.
  • Two years ago, the companies in the personal computer business were talking about growth rates of 5 to 10 percent a year.
  • And that meant he couldn't mention the computer business either.
  • "At the annual meeting, you had critics on the floor who tried to make an issue of your computer businesses."
49. computer center = centrum informatyczne, centrum obliczeniowe computer center
50. computer market = rynek komputerowy computer market
51. computer problem = problem komputerowy computer problem
53. computer technician = technik komputerowy computer technician
55. computer record = rekord komputerowy computer record
56. computer mouse = myszka komputerowa, mysz komputerowa computer mouse
59. computer database = komputerowa baza danych computer database
60. computer age = epoka komputerów computer age
61. computer display = monitor komputerowy computer display
62. computer store = pamięć komputera computer store
63. computer networking = łączność sieciowa komputerowa computer networking
64. computer vision = widzenie komputerowe (wprowadzanie i rozpoznawanie obrazów) computer vision
65. computer control = sterowanie komputerowe computer control
66. computer magazine = czasopismo komputerowe computer magazine
67. computer class = klasa komputerowa computer class
68. Compaq Computer Corporation = Compaq Korporacja komputerowa Compaq Computer Corporation
69. computer operation = operacja komputerowa computer operation
70. computer operator = operator komputera computer operator
71. computer use = wykorzystanie komputerowe computer use
72. computer ranking = ranking komputerowy computer ranking
74. computer design = projekt komputerowy computer design
75. computer operating system = system operacyjny komputerowy computer operating system
76. computer video = wideo komputerowy computer video
77. computer sales = sprzedaże komputerowe computer sales
78. computer access = dostęp komputerowy computer access
79. computer analyst = analityk, informatyk, analityk-informatyk computer analyst
80. computer server = serwer komputerowy computer server
81. computer world = świat komputerowy computer world
82. computer product = produkt komputerowy computer product
83. computer literacy = umiejętność obsługi komputera computer literacy
85. computer crime = przestępczość komputerowa computer crime
86. computer power = moc komputerowa computer power
88. computer interface = interfejs komputerowy computer interface
89. computer time = czas komputerowy computer time
90. computer component = składnik komputerowy computer component
91. computer search = poszukiwania komputerowe computer search
92. computer station = stacja komputerowa computer station
94. computer training = szkolenie komputerowe computer training
96. computer algorithm = algorytm komputerowy computer algorithm
97. computer study = nauka komputerowa computer study
98. computer tape = taśma komputerowa computer tape
99. computer giant = olbrzym komputerowy computer giant
100. computer art = sztuka komputerowa computer art
computer + czasownik
Kolokacji: 146
computer generates • computer controls • computer running • computer uses • computer makes • computer says • computer works • ...
czasownik + computer
Kolokacji: 112
use computers • computer connected • sell computers • include computers • make computers • computer linked • computer designed • ...
przymiotnik + computer
Kolokacji: 157
personal computer • powerful computer • portable computer • hand-held computer • digital computer • central computer • ...
przyimek + computer
Kolokacji: 29
via computer • including computers • by computer • with computers • of computers • ...

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