"craft" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich
- That's right, they put personal badges on their lesser craft, same as we give unofficial names.
- Clouds of lesser craft swarmed around the Qeng Ho visitors there, but they were not fighting.
- We were attacked by a huge fleet of nearly 100 great space-battleships, and nearly 1,000 lesser craft.
- He loved these outings on the Harbour, moving majestically past lesser craft crowded with hoi polloi.
- They all had their own finger of dock with a greater or lesser craft.
- The second 'member' was the lesser crafts, and the third was the weavers in the cloth industry.
- "You understand that we will dispatch our own lesser craft as we see fit."
- Bothering even one of lesser craft in his lair, that is stilt a risky business.
- Those were interstellar-capable warships: carriers for lesser craft, equipped with weapons that could crack planets, and defenses to match.
- Rapidly driven, the boat passed several galleys bound the same way, then numbers of lesser craft "fishing" or freighting.
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