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"eat" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

eat czasownik

eat + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 370
eat food • eat lunch • eat breakfast • eat dinner • eat fish • eat fruit • eat bread • eat eggs • eat insects • eat vegetables • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 83
9. eat insects = zjedz owady eat insects
12. eat dogs = zjedz psy eat dogs
14. eat grass = zjedz trawę eat grass
15. eat chicken = zjedz kurczaka eat chicken
16. eat cheese = uprawiać seks oralny eat cheese
18. eat seeds = zeżryj nasiona eat seeds
19. eat plants = zjedz rośliny eat plants
20. eat things = zjedz rzeczy eat things
21. eat pizza = jeść pizzę eat pizza
22. eat animals = zjedz zwierzęta eat animals
24. eat one's way = jeść czyjś droga eat one's way
25. eat one's supper = jeść czyjś kolacja eat one's supper
26. eat one's heart = jeść czyjś serce eat one's heart
28. eat amounts = zjedz ilości eat amounts
29. eat beef = zjedz wołowinę eat beef
30. eat leaves = zjedz liście eat leaves
31. eat berries = zjedz jagody eat berries
32. eat rice = jeść ryż eat rice
33. eat salad = zjedz sałatkę eat salad
34. eat pie = zeżryj pasztecik eat pie
  • Most of us don't eat pie but a few times a year.
  • They have been wrong so many times and had to eat humble pie.
  • In a word, Michael, yes - the time has come to eat humble pie.
  • "One or other of us is going to be eating humble pie."
  • If you've made a fool of yourself you must eat humble pie.
  • The children were already approaching, eating pies they had picked.
  • They ate pies by the fire and agreed to exchange stories.
  • However, in 1929 Einstein was forced to eat humble pie.
  • Those same huge estates also gave us the saying "to eat humble pie."
  • They also eat pie to celebrate the pun as both words sound the same.
36. eat pork = zjedz wieprzowinę eat pork
37. eat ice cream = jeść lody eat ice cream
38. eat people = zjedz ludzi eat people
39. eat chocolate = zjedz czekoladę eat chocolate
40. eat steak = zjedz befsztyk eat steak
41. eat one's fill = najeść się do syta eat one's fill
42. eat snacks = zjedz przekąski eat snacks
43. bite to eat = gryźć jeść bite to eat
44. eat an apple = jeść jabłko eat an apple
45. eat beans = zjedz fasole eat beans
47. eat cookies = zjedz ciasteczka eat cookies
49. eat one's words = odwołać to\, co się powiedziało, przyznać się do błędu, odszczekać coś\, co się powiedziało eat one's words
50. eat bananas = zjedz banany eat bananas
51. eat a diet = zjedz dietę eat a diet
52. eat a lot = zjedz dużo eat a lot
54. place to eat = miejsce jeść place to eat
55. eat grains = zjedz zboża eat grains
56. eat chips = zjedz chipsy eat chips
57. eat worms = zjedz robaki eat worms
58. eat a bird = zjedz ptaka eat a bird
59. eat nuts = zjedz orzechy eat nuts
60. eat potatoes = zjedz ziemniaki eat potatoes
62. eat part = zjedz część eat part
63. eat candy = zjedz cukierek eat candy
64. eat oysters = zjedz ostrygi eat oysters
65. eat cereal = zjedz zboże eat cereal
66. eat World = zjedz Świat eat World
67. eat portions = zjedz części eat portions
68. eat biscuits = zjedz herbatniki eat biscuits
71. eat rats = zjedz szczury eat rats
72. eat dishes = zjedz potrawy eat dishes
73. eat corn = zjedz zboże eat corn
74. eat roots = zjedz korzenie eat roots
75. eat fat = zeżryj tłuszcz eat fat
76. eat crustaceans = zjedz skorupiaki eat crustaceans
77. eat doughnuts = zjedz pączki eat doughnuts
78. eat one's brains = jeść czyjś mózgi eat one's brains
79. eat sweets = zjedz cukierki eat sweets
80. eat popcorn = zjedz prażoną kukurydzę eat popcorn
81. eat invertebrates = zjedz bezkręgowce eat invertebrates
82. eat men = gryź ludzi eat men
83. eat lizards = zjedz jaszczurki eat lizards
czasownik + eat
Kolokacji: 54
stop eating • start eating • avoid eating • begin eating • refuse to eat • want to eat • like to eat • force to eat • try to eat • begin to eat • ...
eat + przyimek
Kolokacji: 43
eat up • eat out • eat at • eaten since • eat without • ...
eat + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 108
eat away • eat raw • eat alive • eat alone • eat together • eat slowly • eat well • eat quickly • commonly eaten • ...

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