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"executive" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

executive rzeczownik

rzeczownik + executive
Kolokacji: 232
company executive • business executive • industry executive • county executive • advertising executive • account executive • ...
executive + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 124
executive director • executive producer • executive committee • executive officer • executive order • Executive Council • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 42
1. executive director = dyrektor wyższego szczebla, dyrektor wykonawczy executive director
10. executive chef = główny kucharz, kuchmistrz executive chef
11. executive assistant = asystent osoby na wyższym stanowisku, asystent przełożonego executive assistant
14. executive suite = apartament reprezentacyjny executive suite
  • He was told to report to the executive suite at 11.
  • But his people have already tried the executive suite on for size.
  • What did they do in the executive suite to become so great?
  • But there seems to be at least some concern outside the executive suite.
  • Everyone needs a little advice on the way to the executive suite.
  • He went over to the door that led into the executive suite and waited.
  • And the reason appears to be fighting in the executive suite.
  • The company may soon face a disruption in its executive suite, as well.
  • She arrived at the executive suite by a different path as well.
  • But those not in executive suites seem to be more optimistic.
18. executive position = stanowisko kierownicze executive position
21. executive body = organ wykonawczy executive body
22. executive member = członek komitetu wykonawczego executive member
23. executive privilege = przywilej prezydencki (np. prawo do nieudzielania pewnych informacji) executive privilege
24. Executive Mansion = siedziba gubernatora stanu Executive Mansion
25. Chief Executive Officer = Dyrektor Zarządzający, Prezes, dyrektor generalny, dyrektor naczelny Chief Executive Officer
28. executive team = kierownictwo zespół executive team
30. deputy executive director = dyrektor wykonawczy w zastępstwie deputy executive director
38. Executive Yuan = Kierownictwo Juan Executive Yuan
40. executive pay = wynagrodzenie kierownictwa executive pay
41. executive post = poczta kierownictwa executive post
42. creator executive producer = twórca pełnomocnik producenta creator executive producer
executive + czasownik
Kolokacji: 179
executive says • executive tells • executive resigns • executive makes • executive leaves • executive takes • executive agrees • ...
czasownik + executive
Kolokacji: 66
appoint executive • name executive • include executives • take over as executive • executive produced • elect executive • ...
przymiotnik + executive
Kolokacji: 110
chief executive • top executive • senior executive • corporate executive • retired executive • co-chief executive • young executive • ...
przyimek + executive
Kolokacji: 17
by executives • among executives • including executives • of executives • to executives • ...

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