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"feature" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

feature czasownik

feature + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 763
feature songs • feature characters • feature music • feature performances • feature artists • feature interviews • feature stories • ...
czasownik + feature
Kolokacji: 18
released featuring • begin featuring • continue to feature • made featuring • recorded featuring • ...
feature + przyimek
Kolokacji: 46
feature alongside • featured in • featured on • feature at • feature throughout • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 30
  • The results were then featured at the beginning of the next show.
  • We'll be featuring the best at the beginning of this week's show.
  • He is featured as at first an enemy and later a friend.
  • International and Local artists are also featured at the museum.
  • Needs more to his attacking game to feature at 10.
  • It was featured at four different parks over the course of its 11-year run.
  • Known for its good handling, the type was often featured at air shows.
  • The second episode of the third series featured a stay at home father.
  • The path features public art at a number of spots along the way.
  • This song is featured at the end of the 2009 action film Fighting.
6. featured during = zamieszczony podczas featured during
12. feature by = cecha przez feature by
14. feature through = zamieść całkowicie feature through
15. feature under = zamieść poniżej feature under
18. feature against = cecha przeciwko feature against
22. featured since = zamieszczony od tej pory featured since
23. feature until = cecha do czasu gdy feature until
26. feature without = cecha na zewnątrz feature without
28. feature before = cecha wcześniej feature before
29. feature amongst = cecha wśród feature amongst
30. feature into = cecha do feature into
feature + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 49
featured prominently • regularly feature • originally feature • frequently feature • feature heavily • later featured • ...

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