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"focus" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

focus czasownik

focus + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 34
focus attention • focus one's efforts • focus one's energies • focus one's eyes • focus one's mind • focus one's resources • ...
czasownik + focus
Kolokacji: 57
begin focusing • focus on improving • tend to focus • focus on developing • focus on helping • focus on creating • focus on providing • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 25
2. focus on improving = nacisk na poprawianie się focus on improving
3. tend to focus = miej skłoności do skupienia tend to focus
4. focus on developing = nacisk na rozwijanie focus on developing
5. focus on creating = nacisk na stwarzanie focus on creating
6. focus on helping = nacisk na porcję focus on helping
8. choose to focus = postanów skupić choose to focus
9. try to focus = spróbuj skupić try to focus
10. focus on getting = nacisk na dostawanie focus on getting
  • I really want to focus my attention on getting myself healthy.
  • Instead, Hoffman says he wants to focus on getting the simple things right.
  • But he said that they must also focus on getting Americans who come to the city to spend more money.
  • For now, I will focus on getting to one thousand.
  • "Right now I just want to focus on getting better."
  • You focus on getting your own one little place set up perfect, as I have done, and you'll see.
  • Then, everyone can focus on getting the most out of the software.
  • "We usually focus on getting the bad guys after a crime," he said.
  • Next year we want to focus on getting people involved in the organization.
  • But for the moment, they had to focus on getting that small moon into the right position.
11. begin to focus = zacznij skupiać begin to focus
12. decide to focus = zdecyduj się skupić decide to focus
13. need to focus = potrzeba do ogniska need to focus
14. focus on making = nacisk na robienie focus on making
15. continue to focus = kontynuuj skupienie continue to focus
16. want to focus = chciej skupić want to focus
17. seem to focus = wydawaj się skupić seem to focus
18. start focusing = zacznij skupiać start focusing
19. allow to focus = pozwól skupić allow to focus
20. focus on promoting = nacisk na promowanie focus on promoting
21. focus on reducing = nacisk na redukowanie focus on reducing
22. focus on using = nacisk na używanie focus on using
23. leave to focus = wyjdź do ogniska leave to focus
24. prefer to focus = wól skupić prefer to focus
25. focus on building = nacisk na budynek focus on building
focus + przyimek
Kolokacji: 38
focus on • focus upon • focus around • focus during • focus through • ...
focus + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 112
focus primarily • focus mainly • focus exclusively • focus solely • focus largely • focus entirely • focus heavily • focus specifically • ...

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