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"foot" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

foot rzeczownik

rzeczownik + foot
Kolokacji: 38
board foot • foot of snow • foot of water • foot of space • Michael Foot • ...
foot + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 92
foot soldier • foot injury • foot traffic • foot patrol • foot pedal • Foot Guard • foot race • ...
foot + czasownik
Kolokacji: 182
foot touches • foot slips • foot hits • foot moves • foot leaves • foot comes • foot makes • foot goes • foot feels • foot dangling • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 39
1. foot touches = dotknięcie stopy foot touches
2. foot slips = pomyłki stopy foot slips
3. foot hits = stopa uderza foot hits
4. foot moves = stopa rusza się foot moves
5. foot leaves = liście stopy foot leaves
7. foot comes = stopa przychodzi foot comes
8. foot goes = stopa idzie foot goes
9. foot feels = stopa czuje foot feels
10. foot dangling = wymachiwanie stopy foot dangling
11. foot hurts = krzywdy stopy foot hurts
12. measuring by several feet = mierząc przez kilka stóp measuring by several feet
13. foot strikes = strajki stopy foot strikes
14. foot rests = stopa opiera się foot rests
15. foot catches = stopa łapie foot catches
16. foot sinks = stopa tonie foot sinks
17. foot begins = stopa zaczyna się foot begins
18. foot kicks = stopa kopie foot kicks
19. foot finds = stopa znajduje foot finds
20. foot falls = stopa spada foot falls
21. foot seems = stopa wydaje się foot seems
22. foot drags = nudziarze stopy foot drags
23. foot taps = krany stopy foot taps
24. foot slides = zjeżdżalnie stopy foot slides
25. foot takes = stopa bierze foot takes
26. foot separates = stopa oddziela się foot separates
27. foot reaches = stopa sięga foot reaches
28. foot stands = stopa stoi foot stands
29. foot looks = stopa wygląda foot looks
30. foot running = stopa bieganie foot running
31. foot plants = rośliny stopy foot plants
32. foot gets = stopa dostaje foot gets
34. foot carries = stopa niesie foot carries
35. foot aches = stopa boli foot aches
36. foot says = stopa mówi foot says
  • Then feet crunched outside and the door was pushed open.
  • His vision began to come back, and he heard feet crunching in the snow.
  • He walked toward her, his feet crunching over the little rocks.
  • There was no sound except their feet crunching on the dried leaves.
  • When he got closer, his feet crunched on small particles of glass.
  • I stayed beside her for a while, and then stood up, my feet crunching on the broken glass.
  • Then there was a sound behind her; heavy feet crunched the glass into smaller pieces.
  • "Quite a place," he said as they walked towards the front door, their feet crunching on the gravel.
  • He walked lightly, but his feet crunched on the needles.
  • We set off toward the rabbit, feet crunching on the desert sand.
38. foot turns = stopa obraca się foot turns
39. foot sticks = stopa wbija się foot sticks
czasownik + foot
Kolokacji: 425
set foot • bind foot • put one's foot • get to one's feet • rise to one's feet • get one's feet • leap to one's feet • jump to one's feet • ...
przymiotnik + foot
Kolokacji: 171
square foot • right foot • left foot • bare foot • cubic foot • hind foot • broken foot • cold foot • front foot • wide foot • big foot • ...
przyimek + foot
Kolokacji: 45
per foot • on one's feet • to one's feet • with one's feet • about several feet • ...

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