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"foot" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

foot rzeczownik

rzeczownik + foot
Kolokacji: 38
board foot • foot of snow • foot of water • foot of space • Michael Foot • ...
foot + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 92
foot soldier • foot injury • foot traffic • foot patrol • foot pedal • Foot Guard • foot race • ...
foot + czasownik
Kolokacji: 182
foot touches • foot slips • foot hits • foot moves • foot leaves • foot comes • foot makes • foot goes • foot feels • foot dangling • ...
czasownik + foot
Kolokacji: 425
set foot • bind foot • put one's foot • get to one's feet • rise to one's feet • get one's feet • leap to one's feet • jump to one's feet • ...
przymiotnik + foot
Kolokacji: 171
square foot • right foot • left foot • bare foot • cubic foot • hind foot • broken foot • cold foot • front foot • wide foot • big foot • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 44
1. square foot = stopa kwadratowa square foot
2. right foot = prawa stopa right foot
3. left foot = lewa stopa left foot
4. bare foot = bosa stopa bare foot
5. cubic foot = stopa sześcienna (jednostka miary) cubic foot
6. hind foot = zadnia stopa hind foot
7. broken foot = złamana stopa broken foot
8. cold foot = zimna stopa cold foot
9. front foot = stopa frontu front foot
10. wide foot = szeroka stopa wide foot
11. big foot = duża stopa big foot
12. little foot = mało stopy little foot
13. small foot = mała stopa small foot
14. sore foot = stopa rany sore foot
15. good foot = ładna stopa good foot
16. large foot = duża stopa large foot
17. wrong foot = błędna stopa wrong foot
18. tall foot = wysoka stopa tall foot
19. high foot = wysoka stopa high foot
20. heavy foot = ciężka stopa heavy foot
21. human foot = ludzka stopa human foot
22. tiny foot = maleńka stopa tiny foot
23. Happy Foot = Szczęśliwa Stopa Happy Foot
24. flat foot = płaska stopa flat foot
25. webbed foot = stopa z błoną pławną webbed foot
26. mere foot = zwykła stopa mere foot
27. additional foot = dodatkowa stopa additional foot
28. linear foot = liniowa stopa linear foot
29. naked foot = naga stopa naked foot
30. injured foot = zraniona stopa injured foot
31. stockinged foot = stockinged stopa stockinged foot
32. best foot = najładniejsza stopa best foot
33. full foot = pełna stopa full foot
34. vertical foot = stopa pionu vertical foot
35. quick foot = szybka stopa quick foot
36. clawed foot = podrapana stopa clawed foot
37. slippered foot = walnięta pantoflem stopa slippered foot
38. huge foot = olbrzymia stopa huge foot
39. wet foot = mokra stopa wet foot
  • In theory it would be possible to answer all questions correctly and go away with just wet feet.
  • I used them on many rainy days, and never once suffered from wet feet.
  • Since then I have had no problems with wet feet though.
  • The things with wet, cold feet had stopped running on my spine and I began to forget about the dog.
  • Though that speaks volumes, it says nothing about our wet feet.
  • She won't take her death of cold from wet feet.
  • Try to walk another footpath on the site, you end up with very wet feet.
  • The young man sat down, and put his wet feet near the fire.
  • Most do not like wet feet and will spend hours daily grooming themselves.
40. booted foot = kopnięta stopa booted foot
41. bruised foot = posiniaczona stopa bruised foot
42. short foot = krótka stopa short foot
43. white foot = blada stopa white foot
44. swollen foot = spuchnięta stopa swollen foot
przyimek + foot
Kolokacji: 45
per foot • on one's feet • to one's feet • with one's feet • about several feet • ...

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