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"form" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

form rzeczownik

rzeczownik + form
Kolokacji: 278
art form • application form • tax form • verb form • dance form • life form • book form • order form • disclosure form • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 76
3. tax form = druk zeznania podatkowego, formularz podatkowy tax form
4. verb form = forma czasownika verb form
5. dance form = forma taneczna dance form
6. life form = żywy organizm life form
7. book form = forma książkowa book form
8. order form = formularz zamówienia order form
10. disclosure form = forma ujawnienia disclosure form
12. Contact Form = Forma kontaktowa Contact Form
13. consent form = pisemna zgoda consent form
14. song form = forma piosenki song form
15. powder form = postać proszkowa powder form
17. paper form = formularz paper form
18. verse form = forma wierszowana verse form
19. entry form = kwestionariusz, formularz entry form
20. body form = forma do ciała body form
21. kit form = forma kompletu kit form
22. pill form = forma tabletki pill form
26. form of protest = forma protestu form of protest
27. form of worship = forma uwielbienia form of worship
28. form of expression = forma wypowiedzi form of expression
30. manuscript form = forma odręczna manuscript form
31. form of transportation = sposób przewozu oparty o pewien środek transportu; metoda przewozu oparta o pewien środek transportu form of transportation
32. form of therapy = forma terapii form of therapy
33. form of cancer = postać raka form of cancer
36. form of transport = sposób przewozu oparty o pewien środek transportu; metoda przewozu oparta o pewien środek transportu form of transport
37. form of violence = forma przemocy form of violence
38. form of treatment = forma traktowania form of treatment
39. form of address = sposób zwracania się (do kogoś) form of address
40. story form = forma historii story form
41. form of speech = sposób wyrażania się form of speech
  • When it's over you feel as if you've heard a whole new form of music.
  • As such, it is also commonly considered to be a form of music.
  • Many diverse forms of music and performance can be found on site.
  • Then for people who do like opera, open them up to new forms of music, too.
  • In addition, all forms of music can be said to include patterns.
  • This form of music is not related to garage rock.
  • Rock is still different from some other forms of music, or should be, for its very hot proximity to the present.
  • "The sense we had is that there's a desire out there for a new form of music," he says.
  • Video recordings are the most used form of educational music.
  • That's because they are not used commonly in popular forms of music.
43. form of media = forma mediów form of media
45. census form = forma spisu ludności census form
46. form of organization = forma organizacji form of organization
48. form of data = forma danych form of data
49. form of insurance = kształt ubezpieczenia form of insurance
50. form of abuse = forma nadużycia form of abuse
51. web form = sieć forma web form
52. wave form = kształt fali, przebieg fali (sygnału) wave form
53. draft form = formularz w fazie projektu draft form
54. form of education = forma kształcenia form of education
55. form of exercise = forma ćwiczenia form of exercise
56. plant form = forma roślinna plant form
57. release form = forma zwalniająca release form
58. form of information = forma informacji form of information
59. claim form = nakaz stawiennictwa (przed sądem) claim form
61. noun form = forma rzeczownika noun form
62. form of service = porządek nabożeństwa form of service
63. form of theater = forma teatru form of theater
64. form of action = forma pozwu form of action
66. capsule form = forma kapsułki capsule form
67. form of behavior = forma zachowania form of behavior
68. text form = forma tekstu text form
69. material form = forma materialna material form
70. form of activity = forma działalności form of activity
71. form of power = forma mocy form of power
74. crystal form = forma kryształowa crystal form
75. spirit form = forma spirytusowa spirit form
76. print form = drukowana forma print form
form + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 10
form factor • form letter • form college • form part • form center • ...
form + czasownik
Kolokacji: 164
form contains • form appears • form exists • form uses • form includes • form comes • form makes • form continues • form occurs • ...
czasownik + form
Kolokacji: 244
sign forms • give form • form known • include forms • change one's form • return to one's form • regain one's form • freeze forms • ...
przymiotnik + form
Kolokacji: 1059
different form • human form • common form • original form • present form • traditional form • simple form • liquid form • ...
przyimek + form
Kolokacji: 37
between forms • without form • of forms • including forms • through forms • ...

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