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"full-time" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

full-time przymiotnik

full-time + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 172
full-time job • full-time employee • full-time student • full-time staff • full-time worker • full-time position • full-time writer • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 30
1. full-time job = praca na pełen etat, praca na pełny etat, praca na pełnym etacie full-time job
3. full-time student = student studiów stacjonarnych, osoba studiująca w pełnym wymiarze godzin full-time student
4. full-time staff = personel na pełnym etacie full-time staff
5. full-time worker = pracownik zatrudniony na pełnym etacie full-time worker
6. full-time position = pozycja na pełnym etacie full-time position
7. full-time writer = pisarz na pełnym etacie full-time writer
8. full-time basis = podstawa na pełnym etacie full-time basis
9. full-time work = praca na pełen etat, praca na pełny etat, praca na pełnym etacie full-time work
10. full-time career = kariera na pełnym etacie full-time career
11. full-time teacher = nauczyciel na pełnym etacie full-time teacher
13. full-time employment = zatrudnienie na pełny etat full-time employment
14. full-time faculty = wydział na pełnym etacie full-time faculty
15. full-time program = program na pełnym etacie full-time program
16. full-time coach = trener na pełnym etacie full-time coach
17. full-time resident = mieszkaniec na pełnym etacie full-time resident
18. full-time professor = profesor na pełnym etacie full-time professor
19. full-time director = dyrektor na pełnym etacie full-time director
20. full-time school = szkoła na pełnym etacie full-time school
21. full-time officer = urzędnik na pełnym etacie full-time officer
22. full-time manager = kierownik na pełnym etacie full-time manager
23. full-time occupation = zawód na pełnym etacie full-time occupation
24. full-time study = studia dzienne, studia stacjonarne, studia w pełnym wymiarze godzin full-time study
25. full-time course = kurs na pełnym etacie full-time course
26. full-time mother = matka na pełnym etacie full-time mother
  • She was a full-time mother for 10 years, but recently returned to work.
  • She had four children, and described herself as a full-time mother.
  • First, there are the full-time mothers who have never had another career.
  • Kelly left the show in April '10 to become a full-time mother.
  • Have you ever thought of giving up work and being a full-time mother?
  • I can't give up my job and take care of mother full-time.
  • Ask any full-time working mother and she'll know what I'm talking about.
  • And when asked if they would prefer to stay at home to be full-time mothers, 8 of 10 said yes.
  • Far more serious, I feel, is the lack of credit and support given to today's full-time mothers.
  • Women have always made the choice to be full-time mothers.
27. full-time education = edukacja na pełnym etacie full-time education
28. full-time service = usługa na pełnym etacie full-time service
29. full-time artist = artysta na pełnym etacie full-time artist
30. full-time musician = muzyk na pełnym etacie full-time musician
full-time + przyimek
Kolokacji: 5
full-time in • full-time for • full-time on • full-time at • full-time with

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