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"gently" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

gently przysłówek

czasownik + gently
Kolokacji: 278
smile gently • gently push • gently pull • rock gently • gently touch • move gently • ask gently • say gently • speak gently • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 52
1. smile gently = uśmiech łagodnie smile gently
2. gently push = łagodnie popchnij gently push
3. gently pull = łagodnie pociągnij gently pull
4. rock gently = kamień łagodnie rock gently
5. gently touch = łagodnie dotknięcie gently touch
6. move gently = rusz się łagodnie move gently
7. say gently = powiedz łagodnie say gently
8. ask gently = zapytaj łagodnie ask gently
9. speak gently = mów łagodnie speak gently
10. sway gently = zakołysz łagodnie sway gently
11. gently lift = łagodnie podnieś się gently lift
12. gently press = łagodnie prasa gently press
13. gently take = łagodnie weź gently take
14. gently stroke = łagodnie cios gently stroke
15. rise gently = wzrośnij łagodnie rise gently
16. stir gently = zamieszaj łagodnie stir gently
17. gently squeeze = łagodnie ściśnij gently squeeze
18. gently close = łagodnie blisko gently close
19. gently turn = łagodnie obróć się gently turn
  • As I leapt to the door the key turned gently from the outside.
  • Gently turn them around and make sure they return to the bedroom safely.
  • Ted gently turned her face so she was looking into his eyes.
  • Gently turn to brown the other side, an additional 3 to 4 minutes.
  • "I'll never make a surgeon," he said, as the two of them gently turned the body on its back.
  • He dropped on one knee and gently turned her over.
  • He gently turned her face to him and spoke in all seriousness.
  • Gently turn your partner's head to the right and repeat Steps 2 to 3 on the left side.
  • He placed the M-16 at his feet and gently turned her over.
  • Placing one hand on his arm, she gently turned him toward her.
20. gently rub = łagodnie potrzyj gently rub
21. fall gently = spadnij łagodnie fall gently
22. gently shake = łagodnie potrząśnij gently shake
23. slope gently = stok łagodnie slope gently
24. blow gently = dmuchnij łagodnie blow gently
25. gently lay = łagodnie połóż gently lay
26. tug gently = szarpnięcie łagodnie tug gently
27. gently place = łagodnie miejsce gently place
28. simmer gently = gotuj na wolnym ogniu łagodnie simmer gently
29. gently roll = łagodnie rolka gently roll
30. gently curve = łagodnie krzywa gently curve
32. toss gently = rzuć łagodnie toss gently
33. gently lower = łagodnie spuść gently lower
34. gently put = łagodnie połóż gently put
35. gently tap = łagodnie stuknij gently tap
36. float gently = pływaj łagodnie float gently
37. laugh gently = śmiej się łagodnie laugh gently
38. swing gently = zakołysz łagodnie swing gently
39. slide gently = pośliźnij się łagodnie slide gently
40. chide gently = złaj łagodnie chide gently
41. go gently = obchodź się delikatnie go gently
42. gently suggest = łagodnie zasugeruj gently suggest
43. gently ease = łagodnie złagodź gently ease
44. gently remind = łagodnie przypomnij gently remind
45. begin gently = zacznij łagodnie begin gently
46. settle gently = uspokój się łagodnie settle gently
47. gently prod = łagodnie szturchnięcie gently prod
48. gently kiss = łagodnie pocałuj gently kiss
49. add gently = dodaj łagodnie add gently
50. gently brush = łagodnie szczotka gently brush
51. gently weep = łagodnie płacz gently weep
52. gently nudge = łagodnie trąć gently nudge
gently + przymiotnik
Kolokacji: 11
gently curved • gently rolling • gently humorous • gently undulating • gently ironic • ...

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