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"hill" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

hill rzeczownik

rzeczownik + hill
Kolokacji: 395
Capitol Hill • Beverly Hill • Forest Hill • Chapel Hill • Cherry Hill • Richmond Hill • Murray Hill • Notting Hill • Hollywood Hill • ...
hill + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 78
hill country • hill station • hill Fort • hill town • hills north • Hill Street Blue • hill top • Hill Road • Hill Street • ...
hill + czasownik
Kolokacji: 76
hill overlooking • hill rises • Hill says • surrounded by hills • Hill makes • ...
czasownik + hill
Kolokacji: 39
hill covered • hill called • hill known • mean hill • include hills • die in Woodland Hills • know as one's Hill • climb the hill • ...
przymiotnik + hill
Kolokacji: 125
steep hill • green hill • rolling hill • wooded hill • nearby hill • rocky hill • distant hill • low hill • small hill • high hill • forested hill • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 26
1. steep hill = strome wzgórze steep hill
  • A steep hill at the end needs to be taken slowly.
  • He was on the side of a steep hill, which explained why there were no people around.
  • It has several water spring running down the steep hills.
  • They soon turned to the left and began going up a steep hill.
  • They were built around 1900 and are on a steep hill.
  • They went through the little village, and then up a small, very steep hill.
  • I looked behind as we climbed the steep hill over the town.
  • At the end of the lake there is a steep, green hill.
  • They rode for what seemed like miles, and then came to a steep hill.
  • These people never think of getting out to walk up a steep hill.
2. low hill = łagodny pagórek low hill
3. green hill = zielone wzgórza green hill
4. rolling hill = tocząc wzgórze rolling hill
5. wooded hill = porośnięte lasem wzgórze wooded hill
6. nearby hill = wzgórze znajdujące się obok nearby hill
7. rocky hill = skaliste wzgórze rocky hill
8. distant hill = dalekie wzgórze distant hill
9. small hill = małe wzgórze small hill
10. high hill = wysokie wzgórze high hill
11. forested hill = zalesione wzgórze forested hill
12. large hill = duże wzgórze large hill
13. little hill = mało wzgórza little hill
14. gentle hill = łagodne wzgórze gentle hill
15. grassy hill = trawiaste wzgórze grassy hill
16. long hill = długie wzgórze long hill
17. barren hill = jałowe wzgórze barren hill
18. rugged hill = urwiste wzgórze rugged hill
19. western hill = zachodnie wzgórze western hill
20. normal hill = normalne wzgórze normal hill
21. eastern hill = wschodnie wzgórze eastern hill
22. big hill = duże wzgórze big hill
23. bare hill = nagie wzgórze bare hill
24. tall hill = wysokie wzgórze tall hill
25. dark hill = ciemne wzgórze dark hill
26. far hill = daleko wzgórze far hill
przyimek + hill
Kolokacji: 31
on top of a hill • by hills • with hills • on Capitol Hill • down the hill • ...

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