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"identity" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

identity rzeczownik

rzeczownik + identity
Kolokacji: 22
gender identity • brand identity • group identity • identity of one's father • Bourne Identity • ...
identity + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 35
identity theft • identity card • identity crisis • identity politics • identity document • identity paper • ...
identity + czasownik
Kolokacji: 15
identity seems • identity remains • identity reveals • identity changes • identity emerges • ...
czasownik + identity
Kolokacji: 87
reveal one's identity • know one's identity • establish one's identity • discover one's identity • lose one's identity • hide one's identity • ...
przymiotnik + identity
Kolokacji: 160
true identity • national identity • cultural identity • mistaken identity • ethnic identity • separate identity • sexual identity • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 33
1. true identity = faktyczna tożsamość true identity
4. mistaken identity = sytuacja bycia wziętym za kogoś innego mistaken identity
7. secret identity = tajemna tożsamość secret identity
8. sexual identity = tożsamość seksualna sexual identity
9. Jewish identity = Żydowska tożsamość Jewish identity
10. distinct identity = odrębna tożsamość distinct identity
12. false identity = fałszywa tożsamość false identity
14. new identity = nowa tożsamość new identity
15. real identity = prawdziwa tożsamość real identity
16. strong identity = silna tożsamość strong identity
  • But we couldn't think of many states with a strong enough identity to have a symposium about.
  • There is a strong identity among students with their house.
  • As a result the hall has a strong individual identity and close knit community.
  • As sources claim, they had rather a strong local identity.
  • They, and their descendants, make up its strong cultural identity.
  • "We're coming off a period that didn't seem to have a strong identity," he said.
  • The region has, however, a rich culture and a strong cultural identity.
  • It helped to influence the development of a strong European identity in this field.
  • A stronger identity of their own throughout everything would benefit them, I think.
  • At the same time, development is based on culture and a free, strong cultural identity.
17. religious identity = przynależność religijna religious identity
18. racial identity = rasowa tożsamość racial identity
19. individual identity = indywidualna tożsamość individual identity
20. American identity = Amerykańska tożsamość American identity
21. social identity = społeczna tożsamość social identity
22. political identity = polityczna tożsamość political identity
23. unique identity = tożsamość jedyna w swoim rodzaju unique identity
24. regional identity = regionalna tożsamość regional identity
25. common identity = wspólna tożsamość common identity
26. collective identity = tożsamość spółdzielni collective identity
27. different identity = inna tożsamość different identity
28. local identity = lokalna tożsamość local identity
29. dual identity = tożsamość liczby podwójnej dual identity
30. human identity = ludzka tożsamość human identity
31. distinctive identity = charakterystyczna tożsamość distinctive identity
32. independent identity = niezależna tożsamość independent identity
33. visual identity = tożsamość wizualna visual identity
przyimek + identity
Kolokacji: 15
of identity • for identity • to one's identity • with one's identity • about one's identity • ...

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