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"interest" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

interest rzeczownik

rzeczownik + interest
Kolokacji: 97
business interest • security interest • consumer interest • ownership interest • minority interest • love interest • research interest • ...
interest + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 41
interest rate • interest group • interest payment • interest expense • interest income • interest charge • interest cost • ...
interest + czasownik
Kolokacji: 122
interest lies • interest wanes • interest includes • interest grows • interest increases • interest leads • interest begins • interest lays • ...
czasownik + interest
Kolokacji: 229
express interest • lose interest • generate interest • spark interest • arouse interest • stimulate interest • earn interest • revive interest • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 89
8. earn interest = przynosić procenty, procentować earn interest
15. create interest = wywołaj interes create interest
17. gain interest = interes przyrostu gain interest
18. receive interest = otrzymaj interes receive interest
  • I've put my personal interests on hold for one more campaign.
  • And they know that Washington has not always put their interests first.
  • Putting someone else's interests first isn't exactly second nature to us.
  • Take care of your customers and put their interests first.
  • I put aside my own interests in order to do what others want.
  • Is this the lot that we can rely on to put our interest first and look after us?
  • In time, people will understand that you are putting the company's interests first - and they may even come around to your way of thinking.
  • They are convinced he will put the party's interests before his own.
  • But what about American businesses that put their interests ahead of the country's?
  • You mean a country is putting their economic interest before the well-being of the world?
25. see one's interest = widzieć czyjś interes see one's interest
28. look after one's interests = zajmować się czyjś interesy look after one's interests
31. add interest = dodaj interes add interest
34. keep one's interest = trzymać czyjś interes keep one's interest
35. play one's love interest = grać czyjś wątek miłosny play one's love interest
36. catch one's interest = łapać czyjś interes catch one's interest
37. raise interest = podnieś interes raise interest
38. stir interest = wzbudź zainteresowanie stir interest
41. continue one's interest = kontynuować czyjś interes continue one's interest
42. bring interest = wnieś interes bring interest
43. capture one's interest = zdobywać czyjś interes capture one's interest
52. read with interest = przeczytaj z interesem read with interest
55. watch with interest = zegarek z interesem watch with interest
57. listen with interest = słuchaj z zajęciem listen with interest
64. balance the interests = utrzymuj w równowadze interesy balance the interests
65. study with interest = nauka z interesem study with interest
68. lack interest = interes braku lack interest
70. look with interest = popatrz z interesem look with interest
71. explain one's interest = wyjaśniać czyjś interes explain one's interest
74. meet interests = spotkaj się z zainteresowaniami meet interests
75. expand one's interests = rozwijać czyjś interesy expand one's interests
76. regard with interest = wzgląd z interesem regard with interest
78. sell to interests = sprzedaj interesom sell to interests
80. recognize one's interest = rozpoznawać czyjś interes recognize one's interest
81. interest driven = interes prowadzony interest driven
82. buy out one's interest = wykupywać udziały czyjś interes buy out one's interest
83. make one's interest = robić czyjś interes make one's interest
84. know for one's interest = wiedzieć dla czyjś interes know for one's interest
86. place one's interests = miejsce czyjś interesy place one's interests
87. suit one's interests = odpowiadać czyjś interesy suit one's interests
88. thank for one's interest = dziękować czyjś interes thank for one's interest
89. understand one's interest = rozumieć czyjś interes understand one's interest
przymiotnik + interest
Kolokacji: 400
special interest • best interest • public interest • particular interest • national interest • keen interest • personal interest • ...
przyimek + interest
Kolokacji: 33
of interest • without interest • with interest • before interest • despite interest • ...

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