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"marine" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

marine przymiotnik

marine + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 172
marine life • marine species • marine environment • marine mammal • marine biologist • marine animal • marine biology • marine fish • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 26
1. marine life = flora i fauna morska, morskie życie marine life
2. marine species = gatunek morski marine species
3. marine environment = środowisko morskie marine environment
4. marine biologist = biolog morza, biolog morski marine biologist
5. marine mammal = ssak morski marine mammal
6. marine animal = zwierzę morskie marine animal
7. marine biology = biologia morza marine biology
8. marine fish = ryba morska marine fish
9. marine ecosystem = ekosystem morski marine ecosystem
12. marine organism = organizm morski marine organism
13. marine resource = zasób morski marine resource
14. marine area = obszar morski marine area
15. marine arthropod = stawonóg morski marine arthropod
16. marine park = park morski marine park
  • The western part of the bay was declared a marine national park in 2002.
  • A plan for a big marine park planned by Disney, which the city had counted on, has been dropped.
  • The park was established on 26 June 2009 and is the only marine national park in the country.
  • And is not the creation of a complementary marine park said to be imminent?
  • Established in 1968, it was one of Kenya's first marine parks.
  • It is the first national marine park of India.
  • There are nine types of designated areas in the marine park.
  • This was the first time that the Philippines declared an area as a national marine park.
  • They are really beautiful and many have been turned into marine parks (like an aquatic version of a national park).
  • The roof deck, however, has been designed as a public marine park.
17. marine engine = maszyna okrętowa marine engine
18. marine invertebrate = bezkręgowiec morski marine invertebrate
19. marine science = nauka morska marine science
20. marine reserve = zapas morski marine reserve
21. marine creature = istota żywa morska marine creature
22. marine water = woda morska marine water
23. marine habitat = siedlisko morskie marine habitat
24. marine sediment = osad morski marine sediment
25. marine engineer = mechanik okrętowy marine engineer
26. marine reptile = gad morski marine reptile

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