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"movement" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

movement rzeczownik

rzeczownik + movement
Kolokacji: 244
rights movement • labor movement • independence movement • resistance movement • reform movement • troop movement • ...
movement + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 24
movement disorder • movement pattern • Movement Party • movement vocabulary • movement leader • ...
movement + czasownik
Kolokacji: 161
movement begins • movement grows • movement causes • movement catches • movement comes • movement gains • ...
czasownik + movement
Kolokacji: 121
restrict movement • detect movement • movement founded • allow movement • movement called • hear movement • see movement • ...
przymiotnik + movement
Kolokacji: 550
political movement • slow movement • social movement • religious movement • nationalist movement • sudden movement • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
3. social movement = ruch społeczny social movement
12. slight movement = niewielki ruch slight movement
13. feminist movement = feministyczny ruch feminist movement
15. popular movement = popularny ruch popular movement
18. radical movement = ruch radykała radical movement
20. free movement = swoboda przemieszczania się free movement
22. quick movement = szybki ruch quick movement
25. international movement = międzynarodowy ruch international movement
26. large movement = duży ruch large movement
27. cultural movement = ruch artystyczno-literacki w sztuce cultural movement
28. small movement = nieliczny ruch small movement
29. new movement = nowy ruch new movement
30. final movement = ostatni ruch final movement
31. early movement = pierwszy ruch early movement
32. single movement = jeden ruch single movement
33. literary movement = literacki ruch literary movement
34. black movement = czarny ruch black movement
38. separatist movement = ruch separatysty separatist movement
41. artistic movement = ruch artystyczny artistic movement
42. strong movement = silny ruch strong movement
43. pro-democracy movement = prodemokratyczny ruch pro-democracy movement
45. physical movement = fizyczny ruch physical movement
49. civil rights movement = ruch na rzecz praw obywatelskich civil rights movement
52. major movement = ważny ruch major movement
53. great movement = znakomity ruch great movement
54. lateral movement = chód boczny (w jeździectwie) lateral movement
55. little movement = mało ruchu little movement
56. German movement = Niemiecki ruch German movement
  • The influence and lasting effect of this German movement remains in the Midwest.
  • The term became a motto of the German nationalist movement in the late nineteenth century.
  • His work on race and culture was serviceable to the German nationalist movement of the 1930s.
  • There is no time now for us to argue over secrets which we might learn about the German movements.
  • The site has also been of interest to various German nationalist movements over the years, and continues to be a popular destination.
  • A novel about the German studentic movement in 1968.
  • Behind the statues is a relief wall showing scenes from the history of the German socialist movement.
  • Nacktwandern - German movement for the freedom to hike in the nude.
  • In turn, the German movements were reported by a British submarine.
  • Its etymological origin is with the German progressive movements of the 1970s and 1980s.
57. gay rights movement = prawa osób homoseksualnych ruch gay rights movement
58. broad movement = szeroki ruch broad movement
59. graceful movement = pełen gracji gest graceful movement
61. only movement = jedyny ruch only movement
62. Palestinian movement = Palestyński ruch Palestinian movement
63. British movement = Brytyjski ruch British movement
65. whole movement = cały ruch whole movement
66. similar movement = podobny ruch similar movement
67. Jewish movement = Żydowski ruch Jewish movement
68. upward movement = ruch do góry upward movement
70. swift movement = szybki ruch swift movement
73. fast movement = szybki ruch fast movement
74. natural movement = naturalny ruch natural movement
75. local movement = lokalny ruch local movement
79. outer movement = zewnętrzny ruch outer movement
80. smooth movement = płynny ruch smooth movement
84. violent movement = gwałtowny ruch violent movement
85. dissident movement = dysydencki ruch dissident movement
87. intellectual movement = intelektualny ruch intellectual movement
88. entire movement = cały ruch entire movement
90. general movement = ogólny ruch general movement
91. tiny movement = maleńki ruch tiny movement
92. modernist movement = ruch modernisty modernist movement
93. simple movement = prosty ruch simple movement
95. precise movement = dokładny ruch precise movement
96. French movement = Francuski ruch French movement
97. easy movement = łatwy ruch easy movement
98. powerful movement = potężny ruch powerful movement
100. green movement = zielony ruch green movement
kolokacje pogrupowane znaczeniowo
Grup znaczeniowych: 126
przyimek + movement
Kolokacji: 23
through movement • between movements • without movement • such as movement • within the movement • ...

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