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"offer" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

offer czasownik

offer + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 854
offer courses • offer advice • offer support • offer protection • offer help • offer assistance • offer insights • offer discounts • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
3. offer support = zaofiarować wsparcie offer support
5. offer help = zaofiarować pomoc offer help
15. offer clues = tropy oferty offer clues
17. offer coverage = sprawozdanie oferty offer coverage
18. offer lessons = lekcje oferty offer lessons
19. offer loans = pożyczki oferty offer loans
20. offer proof = dowód oferty offer proof
21. offer relief = oferta ulga offer relief
23. offer guidance = wskazówki oferty offer guidance
24. offer tips = wskazówki oferty offer tips
25. offer workshops = warsztaty oferty offer workshops
27. offer shelter = schronienie oferty offer shelter
29. offer feedback = reakcje oferty offer feedback
32. offer bonuses = premie oferty offer bonuses
33. offer concessions = ustępstwa oferty offer concessions
36. offer benefits = oferować korzyści offer benefits
39. offer aid = oferta pomoc offer aid
40. offer comments = komentarze oferty offer comments
41. offer fares = opłaty za przejazd oferty offer fares
43. offer evidence = przedstawiać dowody offer evidence
48. offer dishes = potrawy oferty offer dishes
51. offer features = cechy oferty offer features
52. offer flights = loty oferty offer flights
53. offer gifts = prezenty oferty offer gifts
54. offer meals = posiłki oferty offer meals
55. offer food = oferta jedzenie offer food
57. offer ideas = pomysły oferty offer ideas
58. offer resources = zasoby oferty offer resources
60. offer tickets = bilety oferty offer tickets
63. offer words = słowa oferty offer words
66. offer music = oferta muzyka offer music
67. offer trips = podróże oferty offer trips
69. offer security = zapewniać bezpieczeństwo offer security
71. offer facilities = obiekty oferty offer facilities
73. offer rates = stawki oferty offer rates
75. offer value = wartość oferty offer value
76. offer terms = warunki oferty offer terms
77. offer care = opieka oferty offer care
  • Our countries will then have the strength to offer work to others as well.
  • Our situation offered work for more than two in their prime.
  • "I saw in him, and it's important, the person who was able to offer work to six million unemployed."
  • Get those who are offering work to pay a living wage in range of where the people live.
  • He is known for offering his work to other singers.
  • All are unemployed and they come in the early hours hoping someone will stop to offer them a day's work.
  • In the past, he hasn't been offered enough steady work to keep musicians like those with him.
  • But I'm also at an age when I get offered less work.
  • Early on, we were offered work in another county.
  • Nearly one in six 16- to 24-year-olds is disconnected from the two structures that offer hope for their future - school and work.
79. offer wine = oferta wino offer wine
80. offer one's hand = wyciągnąć rękę (na powitanie) offer one's hand
83. offer one's arm = oferować czyjś ramię offer one's arm
86. offer one's resignation = zgłosić rezygnację offer one's resignation
90. offer types = typy oferty offer types
91. offer praise = pochwała oferty offer praise
92. offer cards = karty oferty offer cards
95. offer counseling = doradztwo oferty offer counseling
97. offer coffee = oferta kawa offer coffee
100. offer several dollars = zaproponuj kilka dolarów offer several dollars
kolokacje pogrupowane znaczeniowo
Grup znaczeniowych: 147
czasownik + offer
Kolokacji: 46
begin offering • start offering • plan to offer • prepared to offer • intend to offer • continue to offer • seem to offer • expected to offer • ...
offer + przyimek
Kolokacji: 60
offer up • offer by • offer throughout • offer through • offer to • ...
offer + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 104
initially offer • originally offered • later offer • once offer • generally offer • immediately offer • ...

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