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"officer" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

officer rzeczownik

rzeczownik + officer
Kolokacji: 233
police officer • army officer • executive officer • intelligence officer • security officer • staff officer • Navy officer • correction officer • ...
officer + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 40
officer corps • officer training • officer cadet • officer rank • officer candidate • ...
officer + czasownik
Kolokacji: 434
officer arrives • officer shoots • officer stands • officer arrests • officer fires • officer responds • officer enters • officer kills • ...
czasownik + officer
Kolokacji: 155
officer assigned • officer accused • train officers • elect officers • allow officers • send officers • officer involved • include officers • ...
przymiotnik + officer
Kolokacji: 268
senior officer • military officer • financial officer • British officer • commanding officer • naval officer • young officer • medical officer • ...
przyimek + officer
Kolokacji: 28
among officers • against officers • between officers • by officers • including officers • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 17
1. over several officers = ponad kilkoma urzędnikami over several officers
2. under officers = pod urzędnikami under officers
5. into officers = do urzędników into officers
6. upon officers = na urzędników upon officers
7. through one's officers = całkowicie czyjś urzędnicy through one's officers
  • I pushed through his officers and stood before him.
  • The captain's trouble was his insistence on routing commands through his officers, keeping them involved.
  • He understood the ripple of shock that ran through his officers.
  • But Parliament also took account of the fact that the Crown can only act through its officers or servants.
  • The British received him courteously, and each captain, through their officers, offered the other any assistance and needed supplies.
  • All through the night, Weidling and his senior officers struggled to make some sort of sense of the shambles that had been forced upon them.
  • Without another word, Picard strode through his senior officers and stepped onto the bridge.
  • A local authority, although a separate entity, operates through its members, its officers and other employees.
  • He was a short, supercilious little man with a cold eye and a way of looking through his junior officers instead of at them.
  • But if a receiver has been appointed by the court, the court's leave must be obtained, for it is then in possession through its officers.
8. around several officers = wokół kilku urzędników around several officers
9. involving officers = obejmując urzędników involving officers
10. that officer = ten urzędnik that officer
12. amongst the officers = wśród urzędników amongst the officers
13. toward the officer = wobec urzędnika toward the officer
14. unlike officers = w przeciwieństwie do urzędników unlike officers

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