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"pass" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

pass czasownik

pass + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 142
pass legislation • pass judgment • pass muster • pass inspection • pass information • pass one's hand • pass one's version • ...
czasownik + pass
Kolokacji: 48
help pass • fail to pass • attempt to pass • try to pass • expected to pass • come to pass • required to pass • allow to pass • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 18
(1) help, wait, use, remember
Kolokacji: 4
  • He did not step back or move to the side to allow her to pass.
  • Every Indian he allowed to pass in front of him.
  • She forced herself to stand back and allow him to pass.
  • No one outside this party is to be allowed to pass without my okay.
  • It only allows one person to pass at a time.
  • When the door was open enough to allow her to pass through, it required a huge effort of will to take the first step.
  • He drew back to allow me to pass him and I went into the room.
  • Allow at least 12 hours to pass before you use the medicine again.
  • With the help of a police officer, they stopped several cars, then allowed them to pass.
  • He stood aside to allow her to pass, either out, through the street door or across the hall to his study.
2. keep passing = kontynuuj mijanie keep passing
3. avoid passing = uniknij mijania avoid passing
4. pass before leaving = miń przed wychodzeniem pass before leaving
5. refuse to pass = odmów minięcia refuse to pass
(7) turn, enable, work, become
Kolokacji: 4
(8) persuade, decide, cause
Kolokacji: 3
pass + przyimek
Kolokacji: 79
pass through • pass out • pass along • pass beneath • pass around • pass down • pass up • pass off • ...
pass + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 129
pass away • pass through • pass quickly • unanimously pass • easily pass • pass unnoticed • successfully pass • overwhelmingly pass • ...

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