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"pass" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

pass czasownik

pass + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 142
pass legislation • pass judgment • pass muster • pass inspection • pass information • pass one's hand • pass one's version • ...
czasownik + pass
Kolokacji: 48
help pass • fail to pass • attempt to pass • try to pass • expected to pass • come to pass • required to pass • allow to pass • ...
pass + przyimek
Kolokacji: 79
pass through • pass out • pass along • pass beneath • pass around • pass down • pass up • pass off • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 55
1. pass along to = podawać aby pass along to
2. pass that = miń to pass that
3. pass amid = mijać wśród pass amid
4. pass throughout = miń przez cały czas pass throughout
5. pass past = przepustka przeszłość pass past
6. pass in front of = mijać z przodu z pass in front of
7. pass amongst = mijać wśród pass amongst
8. pass out at = mdleć przy pass out at
10. pass on to = przejdź pass on to
11. pass except = mijać tyle że pass except
  • In 1968-69, he passed all exams except technical drawing.
  • All of the bills passed today except the one cutting the sales tax now go to the Assembly, where easy approval is expected.
  • There is nothing that will not pass," he said, "except you yourself.
  • I don't remember anyone passing except the conductor.
  • The day passed without any further event, except the arrival of our meals, for which we had no great appetite.
  • No words passed between them; or any thoughts except the knowledge of complete oneness.
  • Don't pass this on to anyone except the ones I'm going to tell right now.
  • In the 2002-3 school year, O'Connell passed all categories except reading, getting a score of 44 percent.
  • It seemed to pass almost in no time at all, except the next thing he knew, his wrists were being tied behind his back.
  • "Nothing much passes except time, and that's passing too slowly!"
12. pass per = mijać na pass per
13. pass while = przepustka podczas gdy pass while
14. pass except for = mijać oprócz pass except for
pass + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 129
pass away • pass through • pass quickly • unanimously pass • easily pass • pass unnoticed • successfully pass • overwhelmingly pass • ...

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