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"pass" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

pass czasownik

pass + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 142
pass legislation • pass judgment • pass muster • pass inspection • pass information • pass one's hand • pass one's version • ...
czasownik + pass
Kolokacji: 48
help pass • fail to pass • attempt to pass • try to pass • expected to pass • come to pass • required to pass • allow to pass • ...
pass + przyimek
Kolokacji: 79
pass through • pass out • pass along • pass beneath • pass around • pass down • pass up • pass off • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 55
1. pass along to = podawać aby pass along to
2. pass that = miń to pass that
3. pass amid = mijać wśród pass amid
4. pass throughout = miń przez cały czas pass throughout
5. pass past = przepustka przeszłość pass past
6. pass in front of = mijać z przodu z pass in front of
7. pass amongst = mijać wśród pass amongst
8. pass out at = mdleć przy pass out at
10. pass on to = przejdź pass on to
11. pass except = mijać tyle że pass except
12. pass per = mijać na pass per
  • But people prefer Jolarpettai Junction through which 121 trains pass per day.
  • Franklin also passed for 699 yards, 21.2 yards per completion and 13 touchdowns.
  • It was at this period that, to use his own words, he "passed per saltum from frivolity to philosophy".
  • The Jets gave up 19.6 points, 119.9 yards rushing and 185.1 yards passing per game.
  • Traffic volume along Silver Lake remains consistent with approximately 1,000 cars passing it per day.
  • During the strike shortened 1982 season, Fouts averaged what is still a record of 320 yards passing per game.
  • The sensor detects when the magnet passes once per rotation of the wheel.
  • In his junior year, he averaged 330.6 yards passing per game and threw for a then Pac-10 conference record 33 touchdowns.
  • The amount of instructions that pass per clock cycle is a very complex topic.
  • He completed 192-of-333 passes for 2,462 yards and 25 touchdowns, averaging 189.4 yards passing per game.
13. pass while = przepustka podczas gdy pass while
14. pass except for = mijać oprócz pass except for
pass + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 129
pass away • pass through • pass quickly • unanimously pass • easily pass • pass unnoticed • successfully pass • overwhelmingly pass • ...

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