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"pass" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

pass czasownik

pass + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 142
pass legislation • pass judgment • pass muster • pass inspection • pass information • pass one's hand • pass one's version • ...
czasownik + pass
Kolokacji: 48
help pass • fail to pass • attempt to pass • try to pass • expected to pass • come to pass • required to pass • allow to pass • ...
pass + przyimek
Kolokacji: 79
pass through • pass out • pass along • pass beneath • pass around • pass down • pass up • pass off • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 55
1. pass along to = podawać aby pass along to
2. pass that = miń to pass that
3. pass amid = mijać wśród pass amid
4. pass throughout = miń przez cały czas pass throughout
  • These are the only people that will pass the Hotak name throughout the generations to come.
  • An interesting minor character seen in passing throughout the series is the nun.
  • As time passed the problems of law enforcement throughout the City became more complex.
  • A hundred million they got out one time, passed hand to hand throughout the Lowers.
  • He had been standing by the radio as the call came in, and in a matter of minutes it passed throughout the platoon.
  • This passed a signal to the ulema throughout the country.
  • Leading by example, he passed his values throughout the family: God, honor, country, politeness, and preparing for all of life.
  • The EU passed strong messages to both sides throughout the year.
  • The pad test shows how much urine you pass throughout the day.
  • There are three major highways that pass throughout the municipality and the town proper.
5. pass past = przepustka przeszłość pass past
6. pass in front of = mijać z przodu z pass in front of
7. pass amongst = mijać wśród pass amongst
8. pass out at = mdleć przy pass out at
10. pass on to = przejdź pass on to
11. pass except = mijać tyle że pass except
12. pass per = mijać na pass per
13. pass while = przepustka podczas gdy pass while
14. pass except for = mijać oprócz pass except for
pass + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 129
pass away • pass through • pass quickly • unanimously pass • easily pass • pass unnoticed • successfully pass • overwhelmingly pass • ...

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