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"people" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

people rzeczownik

rzeczownik + people
Kolokacji: 173
boat people • business people • reason people • village people • way people • things people • security people • street people • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 52
1. boat people = uchodźcy uciekający na statkach boat people
  • Most of these boat people came in the period from 1978 to 1985.
  • In the last two weeks more than 10,000 boat people have taken to the sea.
  • "But I know in my heart that we can help free the boat people."
  • Many of the boat people decided to wait for the court decision, hoping the Do case would bring them another chance.
  • The social workers told the boat people about their citizen's rights.
  • Many of the boat people are peasants, especially young men.
  • Some say it is because no boat people have been returned home against their will since December 1989.
  • Vietnam has agreed to take back 3,600 boat people each month.
  • The boat people seem certain to face punishment once they are returned to China.
  • Hey, now, they must have boat people that fish in the sea!
2. business people = biznesmeni, ludzie interesu, przedsiębiorcy business people
5. way people = ludzie drogi way people
7. security people = ludzie związani z bezpieczeństwem security people
8. class people = ludzie klasy class people
9. street people = ludzie uliczni street people
11. dozen people = ludzie tuzina dozen people
15. baseball people = ludzie baseballu baseball people
16. theater people = ludzie sceny theater people
17. sales people = ludzie handlowi sales people
18. people of ancestry = ludzie pochodzenia people of ancestry
20. day people = ludzie całodzienni day people
21. Treasury sanction people = Ludzie aprobaty skarbu Treasury sanction people
26. income people = ludzie dochodu income people
27. mountain people = ludzie górscy mountain people
28. people of color = ludzie koloru people of color
29. people of faith = ludzie wiary people of faith
30. people of one's generation = ludzie z czyjś generacja people of one's generation
33. marketing people = ludzie marketingowi marketing people
34. people of America = ludzie Ameryki people of America
36. people of Israel = ludzie Izraela people of Israel
37. Sea People = Morze Ludzie Sea People
38. intelligence people = ludzie wywiadowczy intelligence people
40. party people = towarzyscy ludzie party people
41. media people = ludzie medialni media people
42. service people = ludzie służbowi service people
43. Teen People = Dla nastolatków Ludzie Teen People
44. year people = ludzie roku year people
45. place people = ludzie miejsca place people
46. summer people = letni ludzie summer people
47. money people = ludzie finansowi money people
48. Cat People = Dla kotów Ludzie Cat People
49. people of races = ludzie wyścigów people of races
50. people of Europe = ludzie Europy people of Europe
51. people of Iraq = ludzie Iraku people of Iraq
52. minority people = ludzie mniejszościowi minority people
people + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 19
People magazine • people age • people power • People Party • people skill • ...
people + czasownik
Kolokacji: 952
people crowd • people cheer • people flock • people tend • people live • people gather • people die • people march • people react • ...
czasownik + people
Kolokacji: 684
encourage people • educate people • remind people • convince people • scare people • enable people • discourage people • ...
przymiotnik + people
Kolokacji: 741
young people • American people • ordinary people • indigenous people • homeless people • elderly people • innocent people • ...
przyimek + people
Kolokacji: 57
among people • of people • for people • between people • to people • ...

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