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"prefer" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

prefer czasownik

prefer + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 75
prefer soils • prefer water • prefer the company • prefer areas • prefer women • ...
prefer + przyimek
Kolokacji: 18
prefer over • prefer by • prefer to • preferred for • prefer in • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 9
(1) over, by, to, for, in, ...
Kolokacji: 9
1. prefer without = wól na zewnątrz prefer without
2. prefer that = wól to prefer that
3. prefer against = woleć przeciwko prefer against
4. prefer under = wól poniżej prefer under
5. prefer during = woleć podczas prefer during
  • They didn't mind the rain but they preferred it during the day.
  • Since the injury, his night vision has diminished, so he prefers to race during the day.
  • I preferred to have the family at the bedside, if they wished, during serious cases like this.
  • "I prefer my cabin during a transition hop," he said.
  • Patrons preferred the smaller rooms during the dinner hour.
  • I. innominata, used in gardens, prefers some moisture during the year, with good drainage.
  • It prefers dry conditions during its dormant period in the summer.
  • His predecessor preferred joint ventures to expensive acquisitions during the 80's.
  • Cyclamens prefer 50 to 55 degrees during the day and should be kept in a sunny location.
  • However, Windows 95 still gave the user an option to choose which shell they preferred during setup.
6. prefer because = woleć ponieważ prefer because
7. prefer through = wól całkowicie prefer through
8. prefer before = wól wcześniej prefer before
9. prefer above = wól wyżej prefer above
prefer + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 22
generally prefer • actually prefer • simply prefer • personally prefer • clearly prefer • ...

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