"pull" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich
- You're equipped to pull information out of a witness and this would give you full access.
- So much for being slick and trying to pull information from the Master.
- The doctor was going through the routine of trying to pull information from a dead brain by induction.
- The navigator was already pulling information up from his database.
- You have to pull information together from all these different species.
- He pushed a few buttons next to the screen to pull different information from the data card.
- Give me a quick course in how to pull information out of the computer, then leave me alone.
- She'd used that need a dozen times to pull information from people.
- Not with a chance to pull information about all humankind from him, and a week to do it in.
- Health officials would not say which restaurants appeared to have pulled calorie information.
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