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"question" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

question rzeczownik

rzeczownik + question
Kolokacji: 71
policy question • trivia question • research question • choice question • trick question • security question • ...
question + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 12
question Mark • Question Time • question answer session • question period • Questions page • ...
question + czasownik
Kolokacji: 157
question arises • question remains • question relating • question raises • question surrounding • question asks • question answers • ...
czasownik + question
Kolokacji: 151
ask questions • answer questions • raise questions • submit questions • prompt questions • face questions • include questions • ...
przymiotnik + question
Kolokacji: 404
big question • important question • serious question • real question • unanswered question • open question • simple question • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
4. real question = prawdziwe pytanie real question
6. open question = pytanie otwarte, pytanie bez odpowiedzi open question
12. key question = kluczowe pytanie key question
14. far question = daleko pytanie far question
17. central question = główne pytanie central question
22. direct question = pytanie bezpośrednie direct question
23. critical question = kluczowe pytanie critical question
24. philosophical question = filozoficzne pytanie philosophical question
26. moral question = moralny dylemat moral question
28. broad question = szerokie pytanie broad question
29. troubling question = przeszkadzając pytaniu troubling question
30. unspoken question = niewypowiedziane pytanie unspoken question
31. constitutional question = konstytucyjne pytanie constitutional question
32. pointed question = podkreślone pytanie pointed question
33. awkward question = krępujące pytanie awkward question
34. fair question = uczciwe pytanie fair question
35. good question = dobre pytanie (zwrot używany, gdy nie znamy na nie odpowiedzi) good question
36. legal question = zagadnienie prawne legal question
37. hard question = sprawdzone pytanie hard question
38. only question = jedyne pytanie only question
39. personal question = osobiste pytanie personal question
40. main question = główne pytanie main question
42. whole question = całe pytanie whole question
43. right question = właściwe pytanie right question
44. large question = duże pytanie large question
47. major question = główne pytanie major question
48. political question = polityczne pytanie political question
49. certain question = pewne pytanie certain question
50. single question = jedno pytanie single question
51. common question = wspólne pytanie common question
53. new question = nowe pytanie new question
54. technical question = techniczne pytanie technical question
55. practical question = problem praktyczny practical question
57. wrong question = złe pytanie wrong question
58. inevitable question = nieuniknione pytanie inevitable question
  • Each trial answers certain scientific questions in order to find new and better ways to help cancer patients.
  • Hovering over the political debate was a larger scientific question.
  • Yet what that genetic message says is an open scientific question.
  • Today we stand here knowing the answer to that greatest of scientific questions.
  • So that is another way of how scientific questions are generated.
  • And answer a scientific question for me, if you would be so kind.
  • Coming up with scientific questions isn't difficult and doesn't require training as a scientist.
  • But in the last few days, the company has taken a new attitude on scientific questions and public opinion.
  • Her library is the place to visit for answers to scientific questions.
  • It is not for me to answer this scientific question and I have no wish to do so.
62. pertinent question = trafne pytanie pertinent question
63. unanswerable question = pytanie pozostające bez odpowiedzi unanswerable question
64. embarrassing question = krępujące pytanie embarrassing question
65. original question = pierwotne pytanie original question
67. intriguing question = pytanie intrygowania intriguing question
68. hypothetical question = hipotetyczny problem hypothetical question
70. complex question = złożone pytanie complex question
71. social question = towarzyskie pytanie social question
73. nagging question = susząc głowę pytaniu nagging question
74. easy question = łatwe pytanie easy question
76. immediate question = natychmiastowe pytanie immediate question
77. complicated question = skomplikowane pytanie complicated question
78. deep question = głębokie pytanie deep question
79. reasonable question = rozsądne pytanie reasonable question
80. detailed question = szczegółowe pytanie detailed question
81. relevant question = istotny problem relevant question
82. thorny question = drażliwe pytanie thorny question
83. quick question = szybkie pytanie quick question
84. better question = lepsze pytanie better question
85. urgent question = naglące pytanie urgent question
86. dumb question = durne pytanie dumb question
87. profound question = głębokie pytanie profound question
88. follow-up question = pytanie dopełnienia follow-up question
89. vital question = istotne pytanie vital question
91. disturbing question = zakłócając pytanie disturbing question
92. delicate question = delikatne pytanie delicate question
93. economic question = gospodarcze pytanie economic question
94. particular question = szczegółowe pytanie particular question
95. essential question = zasadnicze pytanie essential question
96. tricky question = podchwytliwe pytanie tricky question
97. ultimate question = fundamentalne pytanie ultimate question
98. little question = mało pytania little question
99. odd question = dziwne pytanie odd question
przyimek + question
Kolokacji: 30
without question • into question • beyond question • in question • of questions • ...

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