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"seal" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

seal czasownik

seal + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 17
seal one's fate • seal the deal • seal the victory • seal wax • seal one's doom • ...
czasownik + seal
Kolokacji: 5
help seal • used to seal • wash to seal off • finish sealing • begin sealing
seal + przyimek
Kolokacji: 28
seal off • seal up • sealed with • sealed in • sealed into • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 17
1. seal off = zabezpieczać, otaczać seal off
  • In other words, the poor are sealed off from both jobs and information about them.
  • Large areas of the school site were sealed off for building work.
  • "Start working your way down while I go up and seal off the access from the top."
  • The rest of the space station will be sealed off.
  • "I can't believe they would let the kids seal themselves off from each other."
  • In that time they'd sealed off the room and the hotel.
  • And if there was one, why would they have sealed it off?
  • The police sealed it off, so I moved that woman who was with her to 219.
  • "No one was seen leaving, and our people have the room sealed off."
  • And he says that to seal off a building's windows is to take out its eyes.
2. seal up = założyć plombę, zapieczętować (np. wejście) seal up
3. sealed with = opieczętowany sealed with
4. sealed in = zachowany sealed in
5. sealed into = opieczętowany do sealed into
6. sealed from = opieczętowany z sealed from
7. sealed at = opieczętowany przy sealed at
8. seal on = pieczętować na seal on
9. seal for = pieczętować dla seal for
10. seal to = pieczętować aby seal to
11. sealed against = opieczętowany przeciwko sealed against
12. seal behind = opieczętuj z tyłu seal behind
13. sealed inside = opieczętowany do środka sealed inside
14. sealed by = opieczętowany przez sealed by
16. sealed within = opieczętowany wewnątrz sealed within
17. seal over = pieczęć ponad seal over
seal + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 26
hermetically sealed • sealed away • tightly sealed • completely sealed • properly sealed • ...

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