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"senior" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

senior przymiotnik

senior + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 351
senior official • senior officer • senior year • senior member • senior executive • senior adviser • senior partner • senior citizen • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
12. senior season = starsza pora roku senior season
13. senior aide = starszy bliski współpracownik senior aide
21. senior diplomat = wyższy rangą dyplomata senior diplomat
27. senior center = starsze centrum senior center
28. senior minister = minister Korony (w brytyjskim rządzie) senior minister
31. senior counsel = główny adwokat strony senior counsel
35. senior guard = starszy strażnik senior guard
36. senior researcher = starszy pracownik naukowy senior researcher
39. senior rank = wysoki stopień senior rank
44. senior lawyer = starszy prawnik senior lawyer
47. senior post = wyższe rangą stanowisko senior post
51. senior football = starsza piłka nożna senior football
  • He became a member of the senior team in 1932.
  • He was called up to senior national team in 2004.
  • Then worked his way up to play some games for the senior team.
  • In May 2012, he was called up to the senior team.
  • He played his first game for the senior national team in 2004.
  • For the 2010-11 season, he began training with the senior team.
  • She was a member of the senior national team from 1997-2000.
  • She has played four times for the senior national team.
  • In 1977, he was called up to the senior team.
  • He later spent four years with the senior team between 2005 and 2009.
54. senior game = starsza gra senior game
56. senior man = starszy człowiek senior man
57. senior squad = starszy oddział senior squad
58. senior career = starsza kariera senior career
61. senior servant = starszy służący senior servant
62. senior population distribution = starsze rozmieszczenie ludnoście senior population distribution
63. senior attorney = starszy pełnomocnik senior attorney
67. senior side = starsza strona senior side
69. senior strategist = starszy strateg senior strategist
70. senior appearance = starszy wygląd senior appearance
75. senior thesis = starsza teza senior thesis
76. Senior Tour = Starsza Wycieczka Senior Tour
77. senior prom = starszy koncert promenadowy senior prom
80. senior goal = starszy cel senior goal
82. senior college = starszy college senior college
84. senior people = starsi ludzie senior people
85. senior colleague = starszy kolega senior colleague
86. senior debt = dług uprzywilejowany senior debt
87. senior employee = pracownik o długim stażu, doświadczony pracownik senior employee
88. senior competition = starsza konkurencja senior competition
89. senior general = starszy ogólny senior general
90. senior role = starsza rola senior role
91. senior woman = starsza kobieta senior woman
92. senior administrator = starszy administrator senior administrator
93. senior quarterback = starszy rozgrywający senior quarterback
94. senior rabbi = starszy rabin senior rabbi
95. senior author = starszy autor senior author
99. senior teacher = starszy nauczyciel senior teacher
senior + przyimek
Kolokacji: 8
senior at • senior from • senior in • senior to • senior of • ...

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