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"species" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

species rzeczownik

rzeczownik + species
Kolokacji: 147
animal species • tree species • wildlife species • species of a gastropod mollusk • species of one's allies • type species • ...
species + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 40
species name • species list • Endangered Species Act • species diversity • species level • ...
species + czasownik
Kolokacji: 131
species occur • species inhabit • species belong • species grow • species live • Species include • species use • species evolve • ...
czasownik + species
Kolokacji: 99
protect species • contain the species • consist of several species • represent several species • describe as a species • ...
przymiotnik + species
Kolokacji: 243
different species • rare species • native species • invasive species • marine species • endemic species • separate species • ...
przyimek + species
Kolokacji: 26
among species • between species • of species • including species • about several species • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 18
2. across species = przez gatunek across species
  • In biology, a race is a population, a group within a species.
  • In some cases there is even significant variation within species.
  • No one tree, even within a single species, has such extraordinary variety.
  • Even within a species, different parts of the life cycle illustrate the association.
  • There is marked variation within species in the development of this process.
  • Time of development to reproductive period is highly variable within and among species.
  • Within a species, these are typically seen in the competition for mates.
  • Cell numbers in the organs are often constant within a species.
  • In these works Linnaeus used a third name as a variety within a species.
  • Helpful (and therefore sometimes manage to continue within a species) 2.
4. unlike species = w odróżnieniu od gatunku unlike species
6. around several species = wokół kilku gatunków around several species
7. such as species = taki jak gatunek such as species
8. against species = przeciwko gatunkowi against species
9. regarding this species = w związku z tym gatunkiem regarding this species
10. at species = przy gatunku at species
11. following species = jadąc gatunkiem following species
12. after species = za gatunkiem after species
13. amongst species = wśród gatunku amongst species

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