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"stage" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

stage rzeczownik

rzeczownik + stage
Kolokacji: 122
center stage • planning stage • concert stage • Broadway stage • London stage • world stage • stage of one's career • group stage • ...
stage + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 138
stage production • stage manager • stage actor • stage presence • stage debut • stage version • stage adaptation • stage actress • ...
stage + czasownik
Kolokacji: 51
stage begins • stage involves • stage takes • stage includes • stage consists • ...
czasownik + stage
Kolokacji: 114
consist of several stages • qualify for the stage • take on the stage • eliminate in the group stage • perform on stage • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 35
(2) qualify, comment, depict
Kolokacji: 4
  • The stage was being set for the new performance tonight.
  • The stage was set for the last major act of the war in the west.
  • Let me set the stage with three key points that all of us need to keep in mind.
  • They'd had very little time to set the stage for this one.
  • We don't give her an opportunity to set the stage.
  • It will also set the stage for American forces to begin to come home.
  • At times it was as if they were trying to set the stage on fire with the language.
  • With the season half complete, the stage has been set.
  • There was a small stage set against the back wall.
  • That could set the stage for a fall when interest rates move higher.
4. join on stage = dołącz na scenie join on stage
7. make to the stage = zrób do etapu make to the stage
9. fill the stage = napełniać się etap fill the stage
10. begin the stage = zacznij scenę begin the stage
11. get on stage = dostań na scenie get on stage
12. hold the stage = skupiaj na sobie uwagę hold the stage
13. stage is built = scena jest skonstruowana stage is built
14. make in the stages = zrób za etapy make in the stages
15. develop to that stage = rozwiń do tego etapu develop to that stage
16. start the stage = zacznij etap start the stage
17. produce on stage = wyprodukuj na scenie produce on stage
18. plan stages = etapy planu plan stages
19. create on stage = stwórz na scenie create on stage
20. mark a stage = oznacz scenę mark a stage
21. get past the stage = dostań po etapie get past the stage
22. stage is constructed = etap jest skonstruowany stage is constructed
23. stage dressed = etap ubrał się stage dressed
24. return to the stage = powrót do etapu return to the stage
25. set on the stage = zbiór podczas etapu set on the stage
26. shoot on a stage = strzel podczas etapu shoot on a stage
27. add at a stage = dodaj w etapie add at a stage
28. develop at a stage = rozwiń w etapie develop at a stage
29. film on a stage = film podczas etapu film on a stage
31. give on stage = daj na scenie give on stage
33. bring onto the stage = przynieś na scenę bring onto the stage
(9) know, ignore
Kolokacji: 2
(11) lose, compete
Kolokacji: 3
(12) dominate, flank
Kolokacji: 2
przymiotnik + stage
Kolokacji: 213
early stage • final stage • later stage • initial stage • late stage • advanced stage • larval stage • preliminary stage • ...

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