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"student" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

student rzeczownik

rzeczownik + student
Kolokacji: 147
school student • college student • graduate student • minority student • grade student • engineering student • honor student • ...
student + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 259
student body • student population • student newspaper • student loan • Student Council • student achievement • student protest • ...
student + czasownik
Kolokacji: 417
student attends • student learns • student receives • student participates • student completes • student graduates • student performs • ...
czasownik + student
Kolokacji: 254
student enrolled • teach students • allow students • prepare students • educate students • help students • recruit students • ...
przymiotnik + student
Kolokacji: 380
medical student • fellow student • female student • secondary student • male student • full-time student • doctoral student • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
3. fellow student = kolega ze studiów, koleżanka ze studiów fellow student
7. full-time student = student studiów stacjonarnych, osoba studiująca w pełnym wymiarze godzin full-time student
9. Hispanic student = Iberyjski student Hispanic student
10. first-year student = student pierwszego roku, studentka pierwszego roku first-year student
11. gifted student = utalentowany student gifted student
13. part-time student = student pracujący w niepełnym wymiarze godzin part-time student
15. eligible student = student spełniający niezbędne warunki eligible student
17. low-income student = student o niskich dochodach low-income student
18. second-year student = drugi-rok student second-year student
19. African-American student = Afrykański-Amerykanin student African-American student
21. white student = biały student white student
25. bright student = bystry student bright student
26. Jewish student = Żydowski student Jewish student
27. average student = przeciętny student average student
28. disadvantaged student = pokrzywdzeni przez los student disadvantaged student
30. old student = stary student old student
31. poor student = dwójkowy uczeń poor student
32. top student = prymus, prymuska top student
33. advanced student = zaawansowany student advanced student
35. African student = Afrykański student African student
36. disabled student = niepełnosprawny student disabled student
37. best student = najlepszy student best student
  • The hope is to both provide a school and a training place for any interested student.
  • They must provide a list of at least ten interested students.
  • But I think there will always be students interested in doing something for the first time.
  • Students interested in the program must work through their colleges.
  • It is a popular activity for students interested in film production and media.
  • Student Council is for students interested in learning leadership skills while working with the school administration.
  • "We have an increasingly large number of students interested in technology and art," she says.
  • They were all good students as well, interested in and dedicated to their studies.
  • Students interested in the subject, as she often said afterward, had to learn from one another.
  • The student section is designed specifically for students interested in learning more about how our government works.
40. new student = nowy student new student
41. good student = dobry student good student
45. primary student = główny student primary student
46. Japanese student = Japoński student Japanese student
47. notable student = znakomitość student notable student
48. incoming student = przybywający student incoming student
49. needy student = ubodzy student needy student
50. Muslim student = Muzułmański student Muslim student
51. brilliant student = błyskotliwy student brilliant student
52. serious student = poważny student serious student
53. Indian student = Indyjski student Indian student
54. Asian student = Azjatycki student Asian student
55. only student = jedyny student only student
56. gay student = gejowski student gay student
57. excellent student = znakomity student excellent student
58. promising student = zapewniając studenta promising student
62. mature student = student powyżej 25 lat mature student
64. vocational student = zawodowy student vocational student
66. public school student = publiczny student szkolny public school student
67. upper student = wyższy student upper student
68. additional student = dodatkowy student additional student
70. German student = Niemiecki student German student
71. successful student = odnoszący sukcesy student successful student
72. French student = Francuski student French student
73. British student = Brytyjski student British student
74. fourth-year student = czwarty-rok student fourth-year student
75. potential student = potencjalny student potential student
76. private student = prywatny student private student
77. typical student = typowy student typical student
78. rabbinical student = rabiniczny student rabbinical student
79. Korean student = Koreański student Korean student
80. deaf student = głuchy student deaf student
81. early student = wczesny student early student
82. resident student = student pochodzący ze stanu, w którym znajduje się uczelnia resident student
83. college-bound student = student wybierający się na studia college-bound student
84. famous student = sławny student famous student
85. past student = za studentem past student
87. at-risk student = przy-ryzyko student at-risk student
88. deserving student = zasługując na studenta deserving student
89. pre-med student = przedmedyczny student pre-med student
90. Annual student = Doroczny student Annual student
91. respective student = odpowiedni student respective student
93. immigrant student = imigrant student immigrant student
94. eighth-grade student = ósmy-klasa student eighth-grade student
95. popular student = popularny student popular student
96. eager student = gorliwy student eager student
98. middle-school student = student środkowy-szkolny middle-school student
100. troubled student = zmartwiony student troubled student
przyimek + student
Kolokacji: 39
per student • among students • between students • for students • of students • ...

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