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"student" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

student rzeczownik

rzeczownik + student
Kolokacji: 147
school student • college student • graduate student • minority student • grade student • engineering student • honor student • ...
student + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 259
student body • student population • student newspaper • student loan • Student Council • student achievement • student protest • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 74
1. student body = ciało studenckie (wszyscy studenci) student body
4. student loan = pożyczka studencka, kredyt studencki student loan
6. student achievement = osiągnięcia ucznia, osiągnięcia studenta student achievement
13. student aid = pomoc finansowa dla studentów student aid
14. student union = samorząd studencki, rada studencka student union
18. student group = grupa uczniów, grupa studentów student group
20. student government = samorząd studencki, rada studencka student government
21. student center = ośrodek studencki student center
24. student member = członek studencki student member
25. student life = życie studenckie student life
26. student day = dzień studencki student day
28. student housing = student mieszkaniowy student housing
30. student protester = protestujący studencki student protester
31. student progress = postęp ucznia, postęp studenta student progress
32. student club = klub studencki student club
35. Student Friendly = Mecz Towarzyski studencki Student Friendly
36. student visa = wiza studencka student visa
37. student number = liczba studencka student number
39. student fee = opłata studencka student fee
42. student film = film studencki student film
44. student lounge = poczekalnia studencka student lounge
  • I walk down the stairs and enter the student lounge next to the library.
  • That night, the students of the public school are all at the student lounge, when the cops arrive.
  • On March 28, 2008, a student lounge opened in the former bookstore space.
  • The main student lounge in the school is named after Clark as well.
  • On site there is a library, student lounge, study spaces, and 24/7 security.
  • Also on the second floor is a student lounge used by third and fourth year students.
  • The new college also has a student lounge that looks out into the courtyard.
  • There is also a fitness center and a student lounge available to all students.
  • Janet and Henry sat across from each other at a table in a corner of the student lounge.
  • It also has an administrative building and a student lounge.
45. student body president = prezydent studencki do ciała student body president
46. student work = praca ucznia, praca studenta student work
47. student need = potrzeba studencka student need
48. student society = społeczeństwo studenckie student society
50. student pilot = pilot studencki student pilot
51. student year = rok studencki student year
52. student residence = dom studencki student residence
53. student nurse = uczennica szkoły pielęgniarskiej student nurse
54. student paper = papier studencki student paper
55. student interest = zainteresowania ucznia student interest
56. student production = produkcja studencka student production
57. student section = dział studencki student section
58. student participation = udział ucznia, udział studenta student participation
59. student magazine = magazyn studencki student magazine
60. student politics = polityka studencka student politics
61. student exchange = wymiana studencka student exchange
62. student project = projekt studencki student project
64. student uprising = powstanie studenckie student uprising
65. student community = środowisko studenckie student community
66. student dormitory = dom akademicki studencki student dormitory
67. student strike = strajk studencki student strike
68. student debt = dług studencki student debt
69. student unrest = niepokój studencki student unrest
70. Student Conduct = Zachowanie studenckie Student Conduct
71. student program = program studencki student program
73. student safety = bezpieczeństwo studenckie student safety
74. student use = wykorzystanie studenckie student use
student + czasownik
Kolokacji: 417
student attends • student learns • student receives • student participates • student completes • student graduates • student performs • ...
czasownik + student
Kolokacji: 254
student enrolled • teach students • allow students • prepare students • educate students • help students • recruit students • ...
przymiotnik + student
Kolokacji: 380
medical student • fellow student • female student • secondary student • male student • full-time student • doctoral student • ...
przyimek + student
Kolokacji: 39
per student • among students • between students • for students • of students • ...

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