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"student" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

student rzeczownik

rzeczownik + student
Kolokacji: 147
school student • college student • graduate student • minority student • grade student • engineering student • honor student • ...
student + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 259
student body • student population • student newspaper • student loan • Student Council • student achievement • student protest • ...
student + czasownik
Kolokacji: 417
student attends • student learns • student receives • student participates • student completes • student graduates • student performs • ...
czasownik + student
Kolokacji: 254
student enrolled • teach students • allow students • prepare students • educate students • help students • recruit students • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
(6) engage, hire, employ
Kolokacji: 3
(9) involve, affect, feature
Kolokacji: 3
2. see students = zobacz studenci see students
3. show students = studenci widowiska show students
4. student named = student nazwał student named
5. student is found = student zostanie znaleziony student is found
6. describe as a student = przedstaw jako studenta describe as a student
8. announce for students = ogłoś dla studentów announce for students
9. learn from one's students = uczyć się czyjś studenci learn from one's students
10. hear students = usłysz studenci hear students
  • Paul said he heard students trying to rattle him by yelling, "I killed your grandfather."
  • The district has an extensive staff for hearing impaired students.
  • Like the other 8 majors, hearing impaired students have a designated room especially for their cause.
  • But it is rare to hear students speaking the same language.
  • Jackson, the state's capital city, houses the state residential school for deaf and hard of hearing students.
  • Get advice from experts and hear students taking part in business challenges.
  • Use this course to get advice from experts and hear students taking part in business challenges.
  • - the kind of breezy street talk he'd heard black students using to address one another.
  • "I hear students more and more saying they want to take control of their own destiny."
  • Gallaudet was the world's first university for Deaf and hard of hearing students.
11. ensure students = zapewnij studentów ensure students
12. assure students = zapewnij studentów assure students
13. name after a student = imię za studentem name after a student
(23) challenge, lure, protest
Kolokacji: 3
(24) select, limit, choose, elect
Kolokacji: 4
(27) award, honor, reward
Kolokacji: 4
(28) offer, threaten
Kolokacji: 4
(29) design, aim, target, mean
Kolokacji: 4
(30) divide, separate, zoned
Kolokacji: 3
(33) follow, track, watch, observe
Kolokacji: 4
(34) base, found, locate
Kolokacji: 3
(35) lose, deprive
Kolokacji: 2
(36) punish, suspend
Kolokacji: 2
(37) discourage, deter
Kolokacji: 2
przymiotnik + student
Kolokacji: 380
medical student • fellow student • female student • secondary student • male student • full-time student • doctoral student • ...
przyimek + student
Kolokacji: 39
per student • among students • between students • for students • of students • ...

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