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"system" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

system rzeczownik

rzeczownik + system
Kolokacji: 1000
school system • operating system • computer system • justice system • banking system • control system • information system • ...
system + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 125
system administrator • system design • system software • system failure • systems engineering • systems analyst • systems theory • ...
system + czasownik
Kolokacji: 309
system consists • system operates • system fails • system requires • system contains • system works • system allows • system exists • ...
czasownik + system
Kolokacji: 212
system called • sell systems • include systems • elect by the system • get out of one's system • system known • ...
przymiotnik + system
Kolokacji: 944
immune system • nervous system • political system • legal system • solar system • current system • financial system • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
1. immune system = system odpornościowy, system immunologiczny, układ odpornościowy immune system
3. political system = ustrój polityczny, system polityczny political system
5. solar system = system słoneczny solar system
7. entire system = cały system entire system
10. educational system = system edukacji educational system
11. judicial system = system sądowy judicial system
12. economic system = system gospodarczy, ustrój gospodarczy economic system
13. complex system = skomplikowany system complex system
15. electoral system = ordynacja wyborcza electoral system
18. computerized system = przetworzony komputerowo system computerized system
19. international system = międzynarodowy system international system
22. circulatory system = układ sercowo-naczyniowy, układ krwionośny, układ krążenia, circulatory system
23. planetary system = układ planetarny planetary system
24. binary system = układ dwójkowy, układ binarny binary system
25. closed system = układ termodynamicznie zamknięty closed system
26. elaborate system = skomplikowany system elaborate system
28. monetary system = system walutowy, system pieniężny monetary system
29. embedded system = system wbudowany embedded system
30. capitalist system = system kapitalistyczny capitalist system
31. respiratory system = układ oddechowy respiratory system
33. reproductive system = układ rozrodczy reproductive system
34. feudal system = ustrój feudalny feudal system
35. two-party system = system dwupartyjny two-party system
36. optical system = system optyczny, układ optyczny optical system
37. regulatory system = system regulacji prawnych, system regulacyjny regulatory system
38. postal system = system pocztowy postal system
39. automated system = zautomatyzowany system automated system
41. metric system = system metryczny metric system
42. multi-party system = system wielopartyjny multi-party system
43. multiparty system = wielopartyjny system multiparty system
44. whole system = cały system whole system
46. present system = obecny system present system
47. Soviet system = Radziecki system Soviet system
49. medical system = medyczny system medical system
50. efficient system = skuteczny system efficient system
51. natural system = system przyrodniczy natural system
52. comprehensive system = system powszechnego kształcenia ogólnego (na poziomie szkoły średniej) comprehensive system
53. complicated system = skomplikowany system complicated system
56. federal system = federacyjny system federal system
57. automatic system = automatyczny system automatic system
58. advanced system = nowoczesny system advanced system
59. defensive system = obronny system defensive system
60. alternative system = alternatywny system alternative system
61. visual system = układ wzrokowy visual system
62. cardiovascular system = układ sercowo-naczyniowy, układ krwionośny, układ krążenia, cardiovascular system
63. septic system = zakażony system septic system
66. digital system = cyfrowy system digital system
67. extensive system = rozległy system extensive system
68. electric system = system elektryczny electric system
70. underground system = system metra, sieć metra underground system
71. old system = stary system old system
73. British system = Brytyjski system British system
74. separate system = system celkowy separate system
75. complete system = kompletny system complete system
76. effective system = skuteczny system effective system
78. open system = otwarty system komputerowy open system
79. simple system = prosty system simple system
  • First learn to do some calculations by hand for simple systems.
  • You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.
  • As you can see, this is a very simple system.
  • However, it is possible to obtain quite good results from simple systems.
  • The goal of these basic rules is to present a simple system first.
  • To write down their numbers, they had a very simple system.
  • This simple system would save money and increase the quality of education.
  • It was hard work, although they used a very simple system.
  • It took him quite a while to explain the simple system she should use in the future.
  • A pretty simple system, even if nobody had yet been able to explain it.
80. European system = System europejski European system
81. internal system = system wewnętrzny internal system
82. primary system = główny system primary system
83. physical system = układ fizyczny physical system
84. previous system = poprzedni system previous system
85. American system = Amerykański system American system
88. military system = militarny system military system
90. better system = lepszy system better system
91. private system = prywatny system private system
92. commercial system = handlowy system commercial system
93. Japanese system = Japoński system Japanese system
98. original system = pierwotny system original system
99. basic system = podstawowy system basic system
100. central system = system centralny central system
kolokacje pogrupowane znaczeniowo
Grup znaczeniowych: 209
przyimek + system
Kolokacji: 37
past the post system • including systems • between systems • unlike systems • within the system • ...

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