"tactic" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich
- Solutions included improvements in artillery, better infantry tactics and the development of tanks.
- That was better tactics than Blade had ever heard of the Tribesmen using.
- They were quicker and came up with the better tactics to neutralize Indiana.
- Behind the scenes, he's still feisty, but he thinks this is a better tactic.
- And certainly there are better tactics you and your friend could have employed.
- Kirk decided that changing the subject was a better tactic.
- That may be a better tactic for older than for younger fish.
- "Superior numbers and better tactics-" There was a bugle call behind them.
- An even better tactic is to abandon the body with a swan dive off a high ledge.
- "That said," noted a senior military attache for a Western country, "all the air crews need better tactics, training and doctrine."
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