"wage" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich
- Wage works diligently at Super Mart, although, poignantly, no one at the store knows he works there; Jeero, meanwhile, wishes Wage and Babo wouldn't ask him so many questions, since he "just wants to sit on the couch with you and eat some snacks."
- Wages work in the same way as prices for any other good.
- How Currency Works How Wages Work Coronary Heart Disease Works How Recessions Work What exactly is inflation?
- How Wages Work How Employee Compensation Works How Women Work Do men and women have different brains?
- How Recessions Work How Income Taxes Work How Wages Work Internal Revenue Service Social Security Administration Investopedia.
- "How Wages Work" 31 January 2007.
- Wages and Hours Worked:
- How Wages Work Wages are much more than a paycheck.
- Wages and Hours Worked The U.S. Department of Labor administers several laws that affect the wages and hours of covered workers.
- How 401(k) Plans Work How Wages Work How do stock options work?
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