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"western" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

western przymiotnik

western + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 766
Western country • Western diplomat • Western world • western edge • Western Front • Western Hemisphere • Western culture • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 100
4. western edge = zachodni brzeg western edge
8. western terminus = zachodni stacja końcowa western terminus
10. western coast = zachodnie wybrzeże western coast
  • The earlier, the western portion of the building, was completed in 1911.
  • On August 3, the western portion developed into a low pressure area.
  • It is located in the western portion of the city.
  • The western and central portions are made up of residential area.
  • A village of the same name lies within the town's western portion.
  • With a new project beginning, the future may be more promising for the western portions, as well.
  • Most of the western and southern portion split off as 508 in 1988.
  • The central and western portions of the zone are believed to be about 1.1 to 3.3 billion years old.
  • Interstate 57 first opened in 1961 and runs through the western portion of the city.
  • I-64 - Major freeway in the western portion of the county.
18. western suburb = zachodnia dzielnica podmiejska western suburb
19. western half = zachodnia połowa western half
28. western Pacific = zachodni Ocean Spokojny western Pacific
29. western Canada = zachodnia Kanada western Canada
33. Western leader = Zachodni przywódca Western leader
34. western Pennsylvania = zachodnia Pensylwania western Pennsylvania
39. western wall = zachodnia ściana western wall
46. western flank = zachodni bok western flank
48. western Massachusetts = zachodni Massachusetts western Massachusetts
51. western part = zachodnia część western part
52. western side = zachodnia strona western side
56. western bank = zachodni bank western bank
58. western India = zachodnie Indie western India
60. Western aid = Zachodnia pomoc Western aid
62. western end = zachodni koniec western end
63. western Estonia = zachodnia Estonia western Estonia
64. western town = zachodnie miasto western town
65. western China = zachodnie Chiny western China
67. western France = zachodnia Francja western France
73. western city = zachodnie miasto western city
76. western county = zachodnie hrabstwo western county
77. Western expert = Zachodni specjalista Western expert
79. western tip = zachodni czubek western tip
81. Western audience = Zachodnia publiczność Western audience
83. western Africa = zachodnia Afryka western Africa
88. Western force = Zachodnia siła Western force
90. western outskirts = zachodnie peryferie western outskirts
91. western Atlantic = zachodni Atlantyk western Atlantic
94. western Nepal = zachodni Nepal western Nepal
95. western Asia = zachodnia Azja western Asia
97. western line = zachodnia linia western line
98. Western idea = Zachodni pomysł Western idea
100. western sea = zachodnie morze western sea
kolokacje pogrupowane znaczeniowo
Grup znaczeniowych: 113
przysłówek + western
Kolokacji: 3
most western • distinctly western • uniquely western

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