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Business Daily meets: Cinema boss Tim Richards

Kategoria: Biznes i finanse
Kanał: Business Daily
Data: 28 czerwca 2024, 1:01
Poziom: B1-B2 (średnio zaawansowany)

Ocena: 0 (liczba ocen: 0)

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The CEO of Vue International started out as a high school drop out as he wanted to concentrate on a snowsports career.

We hear how, when that didn't work out, Tim Richards ended up entering the film industry and eventually starting his own cinema chain in his garage.

Vue is now Europe's largest privately owned cinema chain but it hasn't been an easy ride - Tim tells us how the company has weathered both the Covid pandemic and the Hollywood writer's strikes. Presenter: Leanna Byrne Producer: Amber Mehmood

(Image: Tim Richards. Credit: Getty Images)