Tinling designed dresses for almost all of the great lady players throughout the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
But maybe the mayor just wants a medallion on the sidewalk alongside four men who design dresses.
I want to design dresses and suits that could be made in a ready-to-wear factory but finished by hand.
They have a special mode of dress designed to comply with Quranic traditions.
And both the men and the women wore dresses designed by Streetlife.
Mr. Galindo began designing dresses when he was only 14.
Despite the fact that it covered her from throat to knees, it was undoubtedly a dress designed for women with men in mind.
Bobby is now designing dresses and jewelry and still doing interior design work.
She later established her own studio, designing dresses, scarves, jewelry and accessories.
While an accordionist played, the two bridesmaids walked in, wearing dresses designed by the bride.