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There was a kind of magic on the set in those days.
It is a kind of magic, one that may lead a few students into nature study in future years.
There was, after all, a kind of magic at work, ancient and powerful.
There was a kind of magic in his primitive blade.
The digital revolution puts a kind of magic in our hands.
Writing music seemed to be a kind of magic that happened in front of my eyes.
He had a kind of magic with his subjects.
There is a kind of magic in this production.
"That's a kind of magic you offer me that means more than all the flash and wonder.
To Silverhair, the simple drawing was a kind of magic; she had never seen anything like it.
He is also seen to be able to perform a kind of magic, summoning dead spirits.
A kind of magic that's never been before.
He does work a kind of magic with airplanes, helicopters, radios, and many complex American secret things."
It was a kind of magic that went beyond the mere art of observation and deduction.
People can't help thinking that secrets are a kind of magic, that only mysteries reveal the truth.
For her, on many levels, this man has a kind of magic and she is concerned at his eternal isolation and loneliness.
There's a kind of magic in masks.
Even the lights from the utility plants have a kind of magic, like impossibly close stars in the inky summer sky.
That Darius could perform a kind of magic in his reality, while Proves remembered the future and not the past?
"Before the moment of that addition, it was a kind of magic that could make events occur," Ware told them.
It's a head-trip, a kind of magic, and you need the opposite magic to lift the curse.
It's a kind of magic: psychological magic, in which the mind acts powerfully to affect the external world.
Conal would have bristled at the idea that they were making a kind of magic, but for Allena there was no other word for it.
The animators say the real people manipulating real objects in this technique generate a kind of magic that computers cannot match.
Physics started out as a kind of magic, too - witness alchemy and the mystical mathematics of Pythagoras.